
Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Barbara Bohls

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let’s just start this review by saying this is an incredible book with a MMF relationship and it is a steamy one at that. This book is told in multiple POVs, which I feel adds to the overall connection that the reader has with the characters. I love being able to read what they are all thinking. It touches on the past of each character and that helps the reader understand why they are the way they are. Nothing wrong with how they are just what made them into who they are at the present time. All it takes is to answer an advertisement and that is what sets hem on the course of their romantic journey. There is a big surprise at the end that will divinely make your eyes get really big. This book was a very quick read for me as I couldn’t put it down because of the storyline and the steam. The dogs just add to the cuteness of the whole book. You will laugh, fan your face, look around to see if anyone can see what you’re reading, and you will get lost with the words on the pages until you finish this book.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Group Hug by Ariella Talix

Group Hug is a MMF Romance that will pull you in from the beginning and doesn’t let go till the end. This is a Steamy MMF told in multiple POV . There’s a little bit of sadness, angst,struggles and a lot of sexy fun. There are a few twists that threw me but I loved this story just the same. The chemistry between these three is off the charts. I’m not going to give away anything but I do highly recommend reading this book. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an MMF story and it is hot hot hot. Steamy and funny! They had amazing chemistry but they definitely had alot of ups and downs to work through!
Okay now I have to mention that there is doggos in this story! They’re worth mentioning because they’re the goodest puppies ever!
Now our non-furry mcs are fantastic too. I enjoyed their story alot and I am looking forward to reading more by this author in the future!
Happy Reading!

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Heather Hoke

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT! THIS ONE SET ME ON FIRE! From the romance to the spice. The plot to the ending. The characters to the setting. This book is amazing! I couldn’t put it down, I finished this one in less than a day! If you are looking for a must read? Do yourself the best favor and read this one!

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Megan Pesek

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ariella Talix is a new-to-me author and I had no idea what to expect with her writing. I enjoyed the easy banter, characters, and plot of this story. It’s definitely a spicy one, so be prepared!
When the three main characters, Weston. Callum, and Petra, all find themselves living together after some undesirable circumstances they find that being roommates is a tall order to fill.
Getting the perspective from each character is perfect for this book as there are so many things to consider from each perspective. Group Hug is a story of friendship, love, and overcoming obstacles.

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Angela Shirley

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Weston has hit a bump in the road, with his relationship gone and a house which he wants to keep as it holds memories of his grandad but as his financial position becomes more of a problem he is forced to seek a room mate. So when he adds to advert to the site he receives instantly two applications.

Callum is fresh out of school and just embarking on his career as a chef, this is the perfect place to stay but with his two new room mates, can he divert the attraction to both of them to concentrate on his career.

Petra has just come out of a horrendous situation, a bad relationship and her last room mate was not the best and arriving here to meet Weston and Callum she is loving the vibes and it helps they are both gorgeous. Having a safe place for her and her dog to stay is great but these two hunks are a added bonus.

This a lovely story and the chemistry is off the charts. I love all the characters although Weston is my favourite if I had to choose.

I thought the dynamic was brilliant and as it is written in all three point of views it is heart warming to read how there love for each grows with each chapter. With each character struggling with issues in there lives they become closer and start to become a family of sorts including the four legged family members too. The story is well written and the characters are well developed and draw you into the story.

I loved the this story and can’t wait to read more books by this wonderfully talented author.

Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Angela Hayes

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Group Hug by Ariella Talix is a sweet and spicy menage/why choose story with plenty of ingredients to keep you flipping the pages.
Weston’s set to lose everything, so in a last-ditch effort to keep afloat, he decides to rent out a couple of rooms in his house to help make ends meet. Callum culinary dreams have his sights set on a bright future, so he can’t afford to let anything distract him from his goals. Petra and her furry companion have been down on their luck and really need a place to stay. When these three come together, sparks fly- and things heat up quite quickly. What happens makes for a fun read.
-multiple POV’s
If you love sexy MMF menage stories with interesting characters and steamy developments- then you might want to check this out.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Ariella Talix.


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Beverly Finnie

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve read a few books by this author. All of which being about the same concept and idea just different scenarios. I have to say Group Hug is probably my favorite. The author brings together 3 people from different backgrounds and takes the reader on adventure. All of which have a path to self discovery in some way. It’s just how that comes about that makes this an interesting story.
Weston, Callum, and Petra are brought together by a roommate posted by Weston. Weston was at the point in his life he couldn’t afford his home anymore, so why not find a roommate. What he didn’t expect was to find 2. Let alone be attracted to both of them. Weston lost all but his grandfather young from a freak accident. So when his grandfather passed he was alone.
Callum is ready to get out of his parents house, and the ad was the most attractive option. Because he was running behind he ended up taking the tour of the house with another potential tenant. Striving to create a life for himself in the culinary world. Callum has a decent family who is always there that loves and supports him. However nothing was ever easy for them.
Petra needs a new place and needs it fast. Being recently kicked out of her current home due to the dog she adopted. To her luck Weston was willing to open his home up to both her and Callum. Petra is from a hope with absent parents. Growing up with a slight silver spoon she never knew was family and love were.
Navigating the attraction between these 3 is never easy. And because of that it starts out extremely awkward.
The question is: Will it work out or are they just having fun?
3 very different people but the same in every way . Which is the lesson they realize throughout. Which comes with acceptance of what they have.
This is definitely and MMF menage gives the reader laughs, sadness, smile, and some spiciness as well.

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Felicia Bates

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Group Hug by Ariella Talix was a well written MMF romance that kept my attention from start to finish. Despite being a spicy read, it was cute with likable characters. I found myself smirking throughout. I enjoyed that the story was written in the perspective of all three main characters, Weston, Callum and Petra with a good grasp on their thoughts and feelings as the storyline progressed. Overall, I had fun reading this book and would be open to reading more from this author in the future.

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Devon Pulliam

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a MMF story with some spicy content. Weston inherited his grandfathers house and is looking for a roommate. He posted an ad and right away Petra and Callum respond and actually show up within minutes of one another. Call it fate or divine intervention but these 3 were destined to be roommates.

Each character is telling the story as it progresses, which is nice that it flows that way because each one is unique in their own way. Weston and Callum quickly become infatuated with Petra and a throuple starts between them.

They are quickly the protective boyfriends in more than one situation. And find themselves living out their dreams thanks to a long lost connection they help bring Petra.

My only complaint with this entire book is that some parts felt super rushed. Like it skips from day to day to weeks from now. I found myself wanting more storyline in certain chapters and especially the last few. This will not be my last book from this author.

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Shelly Kittell

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A good story with plenty of steamy, spicy MMF romance. I felt like I got some glimpses of substance throughout the book but they were fast blinks. Told in multiple POV’s, the author tried to give us a view of how Weston, Callum and Petra settled into the new arrangements which was a good way to tell the story. I enjoyed the tales of how the dogs lived. It’s a good story if you’re a fan of this trope.

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Jenni Bishop

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
National Hug Day seems to be the perfect time for a book called Group Hug although this is more than just a hug it is a spicy MMF tale. You will need a long cool drink just to get through it.
There are three main characters in this steamy ménage à trois. Looking for a roommate or two? Look no further. They say threes a crowd but not in this book. Three is just the right number.
The story is sweet and spicy and has a few twists I never saw coming. There is a bit of angst, a few struggles, a tad of sadness, a lot of fun, some easy banter and let’s not forget the super sexy times that will draw you in.
I love that the story is told in multiple POV it just made me love these characters more. Petra, Weston, and Callum are well-written and likable. The chemistry between this throuple works well Ariella did a great job with them. I just wanted to hug and squeeze them. But don’t forget the dogs they are just as adorable.
There is so much more I could say but I don’t want to give away spoilers. Nope this is one treasure where you need to explore all on your lonesome.
Download the book, you never know what you are missing out on if you don’t.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Kerry Baker

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author and I was definitely intrigued from the moment I read the blurb. I really enjoyed the dynamic between the three characters. You could feel each of their personalities coming out and yet they all connected so well with each other. It was great to see their relationship develop, especially as they were all battling with their own baggage.
Overall, I enjoyed the story. It helped to progress the characters and their relationship but, for me, that is all it did. This book was about all about Petra, Weston and Callum, which certainly worked. I thought this book was a great read and a lovely way to be introduced to a new author. I will definitely be investigating more of her work in the future.

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Group Hug is a spicy MMF Romance that hooked me from page 1. Told in multi POV, with plenty of spice, drama, discovery, little bit of angst and circumstances. I loved this story that brought together Weston, Callum and Petra.

When Weston places an ad in a local column for a roommate to help alleviate finances with the house that he owns. Weston never imagine the quick responses of others whom are looking take up Weston’s offer….that not only brings one potential roommate, but two. Callum, whom is a chef , also looking to advance his career more in culinary arts and Petra, whom is a writer. Never imagining after all three meeting together the sparks fly pretty instantaneous.

With different opportunities and drama come into play….will Weston, Callum and Petra be able to overcome any obstacle that comes their way as they also navigate a throuple relationship?

This is a great read and I really loved this story. Definitely read and find out what happens!!

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Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Megan Conley

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a MMF, intertwined, connected romance. Overall, I liked it. I really enjoyed the multiple POVs from each main character so we could see what they were thinking/experiencing throughout the book. And the spice…mmmmm…it’s definitely there and it’s explicit. The forced proximity aspect was well done and the character development was OK. Like I said, overall, I liked the book but I don’t think it’s one I would be telling people to read (but I wouldn’t be like don’t read that…if that makes sense). I think the biggest thing I’m stuck on is the fact that I really felt like a lot of the plot was rushed throughout the book and all of a sudden things were happening or like for a few chapters it was a progression of hours or days and then all of a sudden weeks or months went by. So it was really hard to figure out time sometimes in the book and that threw me off quite a bit. And while I liked the spice of the book, I think there was a bit of “shock value” to some of it because I didn’t feel like it needed to be that explicit…it didn’t necessarily fit the vibe of the book as a whole. Should you read this book? Well, if you are looking for something that is quick with some very spicy MMF scenes and you don’t mind a rushed plot, then yes go ahead. If you are looking for something more developed with a slow burn or not so in your face spice, then no, I wouldn’t recommend picking this up.
Reviewed by @meggs1717

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Group Hug by Arielle Talix Review by Darla Yocom

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What an intoxicating read from the very beginning. Readers will find plenty of emotional moments, intriguing drama and lots of sexy steamy moments.

Each of the main characters, Petra, Weston & Callum bring a bit of baggage to the table but I think that brings a healthy dose of real life relatability. Insecurities are immediately apparent and I liked how each of then eventually realize speaking about it together is healthy for a relationship, no matter how many are involved.

I enjoyed the chemistry between the characters, the adorable interactions with the side characters (the sweet dogs) and drama that ensues.

I think fellow readers that enjoy MMF romance plots will like this little spicy nugget that has plenty of heat and heart.

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The Passion Of 3 By Ariella Talix- Review by Kerry Carr

The Passion of 3The Passion of 3 by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really moving read. It is a steamy MMF romance. The author does an amazing job with this story really describing the relationship between our 3 main characters in a way that makes it understandable. There is no denying the feelings and love that is between Grey,Caro and Nash. This is a story of second chance love, learning to forgive and move on and learning how to fight for what you want and who you want to be with.

Caro and Nash always had a great relationship and when Grey was added their relationship went from something really good to something amazing. When all 3 of them are together then complete each other. However, a misunderstanding, means Caro thinks Nash cheated on her so without even speaking to Nash and Grey she just leaves. This one misunderstanding leaves all 3 of them heartbroken and wondering what went wrong
Fast forward 10 years and Caro and Nash meet again. Their attraction and connection is still there and strong as ever and as they start another relationship they both realised that they are missing someone. Grey is their missing piece.

If they find him will he want them still? Can they get to him before its too late and he commits to someone else? Will they be able to make this relationship work this time now they are older and wiser?

You can’t help willing and cheering for them to work but the path to true love is never smooth and there will be some challenging times ahead for these 3 if they want their happy ever after.

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