
Secrets in the Mirror by Leslie Kain – Review by Jenni Bishop

Secrets In The MirrorSecrets In The Mirror by Leslie Kain
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 stars
Wow! If this is Leslie’s award-winning debut novel, then I look forward to seeing more of her work.
Secrets in the Mirror is a gripping psychological suspense tale that dives into the lives of one dysfunctional family. Toxic relationships, narcissistic behaviour, abuse, mental health, crime, the Mob and much more is what Leslie gives us.
The characters are well written, and they may be identical twins, but they could not be more different. It’s good versus evil but who will win out? Gavin has never been good enough, but he is expected to step in. He wants nothing more to do with the family ties that bind him to them. He was to be free to make his own choices to live a life away from the dark underbelly of his father and the dangers of his brother.
I did feel there were some issues within the story, but I think as Leslie grows as an author and writes more these sorts of things will sort themselves.
I am off to read What Lies Buried. Enjoy!

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Secrets in the Mirror by Leslie Kain – Review by Kerry Baker

Secrets In The MirrorSecrets In The Mirror by Leslie Kain
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I started reading this book I expected an intriguing thriller, which we definitely get, but I wasn’t expecting such an emotional and complex story. Everything is centered around the two brothers, who are completely different from each other but have a strong link between them. I was caught up in everything going on with them and loved watching how the story unfolded.
The book was full of twists and turn and the author really knew how to move the story forward while keeping you hooked. I was never quite sure which way things would play out and I was happy to be taken on the journey. This is a great book that really will keep your interest.

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