
Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Sheri Schrader

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade by Misty Hayes is the start of the Ascended Guardians series. This book is labeled as a YA story, but adults can also enjoy this. I was interested in the book blurb and was rewarded with a well-written story and characters. The author has included significant attention to detail, and it works well and does not overwhelm the reader. I fell into the story and did not want to emerge until I was done with the book. There are paranormal, romantic, fantasy, and dramatic elements to the story. I look forward to reading more from this author and series in the future.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Tausha Treadway

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes. This is a brand new series from Misty Hayes and its a good one! This is the emotional story of 15 year old Zoey & Cruz who is 17. Zoey is having flashback/nightmares of being kidnapped when she was 5 years old. No one in her family will tell her anything about what happened or discuss anything about it. Her family is very protective of her but they still insist on not talking about it. Zoey tends to be a loner but has always had Trevor as her friend and most recently Cruz has shown to be a true friend. When a stranger shows up at Zoe’s door it opens the whole situation up! After that its on like crazy! You will be flipping the pages as fast as you can to find out what will happen! I loved this book and can’t wait to read the next one!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Rayne East

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Angels, Anarchy, Demons and Destruction
This is the first book I have read by Misty Hayes and it won’t be the last. Amazing writing and wonderful characterisation had me turning the pages rapidly. I devoured this book and just want more. I found out afterwards that this is a spin-off from another series and to be honest it made a lot of sense. There are certain events that occur in this book that are obviously explained in the previous books. This doesn’t really impact the flow of this storyline though. The world building is very detailed that the reader can easily picture the action. For lovers of YA paranormal and fantasy – you won’t be disappointed.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Angela Hayes

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Shield & Shade is the first book in the Ascended Guardians series by Misty Hayes. This is my first read from Ms. Hayes, so I was excited to find out what lay between the covers. I love a good YA paranormal story, so the premise of the story had me sold right away.
As I mentioned, this is a YA paranormal adventure story full of secrets, supernatural elements, dramatic moments, family, action, mystery, and suspense. I thought the story was quite creative and original- with richly textured world building. The story was quite ‘visual’ with lots of detail and vivid descriptions. Sometimes the descriptions got a little heavy handed- which did interrupt the flow of the story a bit, but overall, it was a fun read. Looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us in Book #2!

Thank you, Misty Hayes!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Katrina Evanochko

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting, suspenseful first book in the Ascended Guardians series. It is connected to the Blood Dagger trilogy, which I have not read yet, though with how much I enjoyed this one I might go do! I don’t think you need to read it first, though you might gain some insight into some of the characters.

There are multiple viewpoints, one of which is Zoey, a 15 year old girl still dealing with trauma from 10 years ago. I like the characters – they are not cookie-cutter, or too similar, and the story is engaging. It is interesting to see her journey, and I super look forward to the rest of the series!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Desiree Ottinger

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this YA book about angels vs. demons! It’s the kind of book that sticks with you when you have to put it down and do real life things… but REALLY you want to keep reading it and NOT put it down.

I appreciated that there wasn’t bad language or over sexualized characters. It is beautifully written from multiple points of view. The author did a fabulous job of writing their views in such a way that you were drawn in by each character’s thoughts. The world building was fascinating and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

This is a spin off series and I have not read the original trilogy it’s based off of but you better believe that I will be soon!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Tamisha Janay

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had no idea that this was the start of a spin-off from another story. This felt like it was perfect as a brand new book with a future sequel to explain all of the *events* that transpired when Zoey was younger. I went into this series feeling that I wouldn’t become as hooked to it as I was to other books of this type.. and I was absolutely wrong. Misty Hayes did a fantastic job of laying out the characters and the storyline in such a way that you never saw what was coming next. The beginning of the book feels slow moving but as the chapters go on, the story just keeps getting better. The ending left me desperately wishing there was more story to read. I cannot wait to read the next book!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Deb Robinson

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Author Misty Hayes has hit a winner out of the park. This book was an amazing suspenseful, thrilling, tear inducing, emotional ride of teenager Zoey. Zoey is a high school student who has been having nightmares of being abducted when she was 5 years old. No one in her family will speak about what happened but they are very protective of her. Zoey likes to keep to herself and doesn’t have many friends except for the gorgeous all around all star Trevor until Cruz shows her friendship.

Life as she knows it, changes when Gabriel Stanton shows up at their door on Thanksgiving. The truth is exposed and all heck breaks loose. People are going in all different directions. Some to safety and some to another realm. Hold onto your pants because this is a tension filled ride. Just when you think the author has gotten to the pinnacle height she tops that and has you gaping. I found I was holding my breath as I read. Misty Hayes… wow wow wow. I need more of this.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Brittany Spry

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Riveting storyline that keeps you on the edge of your seat!

If you are looking for a story that keeps you wondering what will happen next, you have found it! If you want a compelling story with greater characters then you have found it.

When Zoey, a young girl learns the truth behind her disappearance at the age of 5, her life is thrown into a world of surprise! This story takes you along with her as she discovers what truly happened that night and the other secrets that have been held from her! It’s a whirlwind of emotions, heartbreak, and family.

If you want action that keeps you in suspense throughout a book this is a great one to read. It keeps you on your toes with twists and turns while still allowing you to love the characters you are reading about. It does have a bit of YA feel to it with the two main characters being young but the author does a great job of making an older audience feel welcome with the addition of the supporting characters.

I didn’t realize this was a spin-off to The Blood Dagger trilogy until after I had already started this book. I haven’t read the trilogy but imagine it may have helped with the storyline in Shield and Shade if I had read it before. Simply meaning I would have seen the bigger picture a bit clearer. This book explains the necessary bits and pieces and can be read alone and still quite enjoyable.

Overall, I loved the storyline in this book. It captivates you and keeps you wondering what else could possibly go wrong! The only complaint I had was the switching perspectives sometimes lost me and I would have to take a second to get into the mindset of the next characters (which is likely my issue as a reader haha!) But in general, this story was great and worthy of reading. It definitely reminds me of Mortal Instruments and stories along those lines. I look forward to reading more from this author!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this fantasy story. This is a well written story about having a past and finding out the truth that could just shatter your world. The characters are fun, entertaining and relatable. The author’s use of attention to details gave the story a realistic feel and gave it life. They really made the story for me. Fifteen years ago Zoey wandered away from her home or so she has heard but now she is not sure what happened during those years. Her life goes on and she is on track until one Thanksgiving Day when Gabriel shows up on her doorstep with the truth. Is she prepared for what she is about to hear? Perception is a big thing and hers may just be shattered by truth. This made a great afternoon read and I highly recommend it. I am happy that I picked it up and you will too.

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Review by @bjwagner

Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Kerry Baker

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield and Shade: Ascended Guardians series by Misty Hayes is a brilliant YA book that really does appeal to all ages. As soon as I read the blurb for this book I knew it was going to be one I had to read as I already wanted to know what had happened in the woods all those years ago.
Once I got into the book I found it to be such an interesting story. The author has gone a great job of creating a book that is distinctly YA and yet has a scope to it that would attract readers of all ages.
I thought the whole book was well paced and a really strong start to a new series. I am looking forward to seeing what comes next.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes

~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes
Genre – YA Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural
Page Count – 444 pages
Cover Designer – Mark Reid
It’s been over ten years since fifteen-year-old Zoey Taylor wandered away from her family home in the middle of the night. Or so she’s been told, repeatedly, by her mother—but the only thing Zoey knows for sure is that when her older brother, Corinth, found her in the woods, safe and unharmed, she returned with a crippling fear of the dark and no other memories from those lost days—except strange flashes of sharp teeth and red-flaming hair.
Since that time, she’s become a star pupil and is on track to graduate early … if and that’s a big IF her overprotective family doesn’t get in the way of her dreams first.
But when one of the wealthiest, enigmatic philanthropists on the planet—Gabriel Stanton—shows up on her doorstep on Thanksgiving Day, and reveals the truth about what really happened to her all those years ago, it completely shatters her perception of the world.
And the story isn’t anything like what she’s been told.


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Misty Hayes has always had a thing for escaping headfirst into fantastical books. This is what led her to start writing her own adventures. As someone who has spent a long career in law enforcement, Misty has a love for strong female protagonists. She also directs short films and claims to have been bitten by the traveling bug (not to be mistaken for a radioactive spider).


When Misty isn’t filming or roaming the planet, or diving into another novel, she’s spending time at home in Texas with her myriad of nieces and nephews in tow.


The Blood Dagger Series is a multiple award-winning, high-octane Young Adult Paranormal trilogy.


The Outcasts has received recognition for a Literary Titan award, IndieBRAG Medallion, 2018 solo medalist winner of the New Apple Literary Awards for YA Fantasy, and 2019 2nd place winner of the North Texas Book Festival in YA Fantasy.


Follow Misty for more information on her series.

Author Interview With Misty Hayes