
Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Amanda Gonzalez

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Traumatized by an event early in her life, Miranda accidentally sets fire to a motel. The compounding grief and guilt of her actions cause her to take time off from her work as a cleaner and spend some much-needed alone time thanks to a discounted offer to a resort. Hopeful that the trip will help her rest and come back to her senses, Miranda is more than a little unsettled when she is assigned to a more run-down cabin than the name of the ‘resort’ had suggested. In a shocking turn of events that are both psychologically and emotionally charged, Miranda finds herself in the precarious position of being at the mercy of others and must fight to escape. I like how the book was lighter in tone than some of the psychological thrillers I’ve read before. The author has a way of adding levity to the narration while holding the reader captivated, but I felt that some moments were a little overdone which kept me from believing and being completely lost in the story. I’ve read some of the other books by the author and have enjoyed each one, this one included.

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