
Love Bites More (The Darkness & Light Duology, and the Love Bites World) by TL Clark – Review by

Love Bites MoreLove Bites More by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was an escape to another world. It was pure excitement to read and get lost in the writing. The description of the scenery and the complexity of the characters is riveting. This book is not the first in the series but when I say that it is okay if you haven’t read the others; I actually mean it. The author does an amazing job with making sure that the reader is able to pick up and carry on through the book as if they have read the entire series up to this point. That speaks volumes upon volumes of the amazing writing that is in this book. It was also a quick read for me because of the story line and how I just couldn’t put the book down without knowing what was going to happen next. The characters make you fall in love with them. You will go through emotions that they are going through. There is amazing chemistry in this book with the characters and the steam is off the charts. The magic, suspense, steamy times, and wonderful characters; will leave you wanting to read every book in this series. It is a great escape to a complete amazing place that you never knew you needed.

Reviewed by: @bbohls
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Love Bites More ( The Darkness and Light Duology, and the Love Bites World ) by T.L. Clark – Review by Caralee Loonat

Love Bites MoreLove Bites More by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am just in seventh heaven as this is one of my most favorite authors. I love paranormal romances and this did not disappoint. I really like the way the author is able to build a world and bring the characters to life. I really felt as though I was right in the middle of the action. There was also a great balance of drama and adventure mixed in with the romance. As I have said before this is one of my most favorite genres. I really like how there was a sort of forbidden love with a wonderous outcome. I like how everything just really fell into place and the chemistry between the characters really just added to the story. I look forward to reading much more from this author in the future.

Review by @caraleeloonat.
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