
The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Betsy Melano

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The story of Liam and Teresa finding their way to each other through some ups and downs. The story continues from the first book in the series “The Silent Woodsman” however, this book can be read as a stand alone. I actually read the books in the wrong order and had no issues following all the characters. The author does a beautiful job of world and character building. The story takes a bit of time to read but it’s full of family moments and moments when characters step up and out of their comfort zones. I really enjoyed reading the book.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read the first book I couldn’t wait to get into this book because I had questions that needed answering …….

Liam and Ali didn’t have an easy life as children and now that they’re grown up he takes the chance to explore life and the world only to get blown u in a terrorist attack , believed to be dead and how do you walk away from something like workout scars ?!

Liam goes to spend time with Ali and her family and this is where his path crosses with Teresa who is licking her wounds and on the run so to speak but she grows on you so just be patient and reserve judgment all is not what it seems 🤫😉

Did I enjoy it ? Yes ! Will I tell others about it ? Yes
Looking forward to more from Cat ❣️📚

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Emmye Marihugh

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love the mystery of Liam. The back and forth between Liam and Theresa is very realistic and I love the ending. The way The Silent Woodsman transitions into The Guardsman is seamless. Almost like they are a part one and part two of a movie. I can’t wait for the next one!

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cat Treadgold outdid herself with this second book in The Olympic Peninsula series. In this book we get to meet Liam and learn about his whereabouts when he was presumably dead, Ali’s long-lost twin. The love story could not have happened for anyone better than the love interest that the author has for Liam, especially after all of the trials that he had faced in his time abroad. No matter how much he fights the temptation to allow this young woman into his life, he soon finds that protecting her safety doesn’t allow for him to hold her at arm’s length. This book is primarily focused on Seattle and Port Townsend, both cities in Washington state. The author did an amazing job combining the beauty of Port Townsend, with the gorgeous scenery of the other cities surrounding this small town to draw the reader into the simple beauty of small-town life and the joys that one can find in escaping the big city life. This was another masterpiece of writing; the characters are so well-developed that you cannot help but cry over their heartbreak and cheer over their successes in life and love. This is a wonderful addition to this book series and cannot wait for the next book to continue the story of these families.
@Brandy Rymer

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Ashly Renner

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This the second book in this series and it is well written and draws you in easily just as the first book did. Much like the return of the prodigal son Liam comes back into his twin sister Ali’s life, but not without secrets and more scars than he left with. Theresa seems to be running from everything, maybe for good reason when “little accidents” start mysteriously happening. Can they figure out who is behind it all, and why? Although this a series you don’t have to read book one, but I definitely recommend it so you get backstory on these characters.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let me start off by saying that you don’t NEED to read the first book in this series, BUT I would recommend that you DO! You really get so much more information and backstory on the characters in book one, that will help to understand them in this one a bit. Plus why not just start at the beginning? This book follows Liam who is Ali’s sister from book one. After an explosion (read book 1!!), Liam was thought to be dead for years! Ali and her husband Joe hire an investigator to look into things and by a small chance they find him! Being well into her pregnancy Ali couldn’t go after him, so they sent Joe’s sister Teresa. She wanted to travel and see the world, and this gave her the perfect excuse. Two birds, one stone. Finding him scarred physically and mentally he agrees to come back to the states to stay with his sister while he figures out his next plans for life. Teresa heads back as well and helps Joe and Ali find the perfect place for them and their soon to come twin girls. She finds a great three story compound with a few guest cabins on plenty of land. Being VERY pregnant with twins, she welcomes all the help that both Liam and Teresa provide staying in the guest cabins. Ali and Joe head back to have the babies at the hospital and that leaves Liam and Teresa all alone. Unfortunately Teresa has a few scary accidents, some of which could have killed her. Has she always been so accident prone? Or was someone trying to send a message? Finding a man with a camera on the property they start to think it’s just paparazzi. Liam sets up security and even picks up a couple guard dogs, but these accidents just seem to find her where ever she goes. Even in town! After a man pushes her off a dock into the freezing water, she finally goes back home leaving Liam alone. Liam does everything he can to keep himself busy and keep his mind off Teresa, but even night life in town doesn’t help. Going on a three day hike is his next plan. Ali, Joe, the twins, and Teresa come back to the compound the week he’s heading for his hike and it just happens to be Ali and Liam’s birthday too! With a weekend dinner party planned the house is full with friends, the new nanny, and the twins. Talk about busy, busy! I could go on and on about this book! So much happens! So much suspense! Like who is trying to hurt Teresa? What was Liam doing those three years when everyone thought he was dead? Is he really an assassin? Or spy? And what will become of both Teresa and Liam? Will the past come to bite him in the butt? And will Teresa find her calling?? Will she go back to Paul? Or maybe the yoga instructor! You have got to check this book out!! I personally can’t wait to read the next book!

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Michelle Marlow

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in this series. I do recommend you read the first just so you have some background before jumping into this. But you do not have to. I don’t want to give too much away. But the way the chemistry and emotions that this author writes into these characters is amazing. I will be continuing this series most definitely.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Shannen Kern

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved this installment of The Olympic Peninsula series! It pulled on my emotions in multiple different ways, and I found myself captivated by the storytelling from this author. I was invested in the characters almost immediately and was kept on my toes throughout the entire book. I felt like this had quite a good flow and never felt pulled out of my book daze at all. You’ll enjoy the way the author so artfully creates Teresa and Liam’s story! I highly recommend picking up this series and also suggest reading them in order to get a fuller experience.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Ashley Sugar

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What another great book!!!! I loved the first book in this series and I couldn’t wait to start this one! I loved it just as much. This author is easily becoming one of my favorites! I love the writing style and I love the way the story just grabs my attention. Romantic suspense is one of my favorites and I have fallen in love with these books and characters. I couldn’t get enough.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Tonya Merritt

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a stand alone book in the series. I do recommend reading the first in the series though so you have some back knowledge of everyone. Liam is Ali’s twin brother and everyone thought he was dead till he showed up. He comes to help Ali and her husband. It is a suspenseful tale, full of woes and romances.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Guardsman is Book Two in The Olympic Peninsula Series. It is a romantic suspense novel that centers around the character of Liam. Although it can be read as a standalone, I do highly recommend reading the first book to gain a better understanding of the characters and their backstories. Liam was mentioned in the first book as the twin brother to Ali. He was missing and presumed dead after a terrorist attack occurred while he was stationed abroad. Although three years has passed, Ali has never given up hope that he would be found. When a private investigator finds Liam working as security in Jerusalem he agrees to move home to be with his sister, Ali, and her husband, Joe.

Liam has had a troublesome past that has left him emotionally scarred. While they were growing up in the foster care system, he did his best to keep himself and Ali safe. They both had a rough childhood and Liam practically raised his twin sister. Now three years after the terrorist attack he still feels broken. Liam is trying to piece his life back together and move forward from the trauma of his past. He hopes to do that with the help of his sister Ali, and her husband, Joe. What Liam does not expect is for his entire life to change when he meets Joe’s sister, Theresa, who is also staying with them. Theresa is fleeing a bad relationship and seeking a safe place to regroup and relax. When Liam meets Theresa, he does not like her and feels that she is a bit of a high society princess. Yet, he cannot help but find himself attracted to her. When mysterious little accidents begin to occur around Theresa, Liam steps in to protect her. As the two spend time together Liam cannot deny that he loves her feisty attitude and enjoys the witty banter between them.

This was another great book by this talented author, and I was thrilled to read Liam’s story. After book one I was wondering if he would have his own book. The storyline was riveting, and the characters were lovable and engaging. Liam was a broken man with a lot of trauma from his past that he was desperately trying to overcome. I loved watching how his character grew and evolved through the book. Theresa was an unlikely romance interest for Liam, but she seemed to be just what he needed to move forward in his life. Liam felt happy, alive, and hopeful when he was around Theresa. The problem was whether he could allow himself to feel happiness and fall in love. This was a beautifully written story with trauma, loss, despair, grief, hope, passion, romance, and unexpected love. I highly recommend this book!

View all my reviews@tarab

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Kerry Carr

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in The Olympic Penisula series. It can be read on its own however for me personally I recommend reading the first book as the characters are linked together. This is a gripping romance that I couldn’t put down. The chemistry between our 2 main characters was intense and despite each of them having problems they couldn’t deny their connection.
I really felt for Liam. He has been through so much with him being involved in a terrorist attack and presumed dead for 3 years he has been missing. He has a lot to deal with and suffer mentally from that incident. When he is found by an investigator he agrees to move and be with his sister and her husband while he decides what to do next and how he can move forward.
Also staying at the estate is Teresa. She is going through upset of her own by fleeing a broken engagement and a mother who is trying to control every aspect of her life. When she meets Liam she is immediately attracted to him but she can’t figure out why he has taken an instant dislike to her?
All Liam sees is a rich princess who he doesn’t trust but when she starts to get very accident prone and in need of someone to look out and protect her Liam can’t stop himself from stepping into that role.
Could Teresa be the person to finally help Liam through his traumatic events of his past? Why is Teresa seemingly so accident prone, is it just the way she is or could something more sinister be working against her?
When 2 people are trying to fix themselves can they fix each other at the same time?
This is a heartwarming story and the author does an amazing job of bringing the characters to life and giving them depth that makes you feel invested in their story.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Hannah Porter

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading the first book of this series the Silent woodsman. I was anticipating this book’s release. I could not wait to see what happened while Liam was “dead”. I was happy to have some that backstop and I also was happy that we got to see Ali’s babies and her happiness with Joe🥰🥰. But well, this book had me feeling all the feelings. And although Ali and Joe’s Book was great. I think Theresa and Liam are my favorite so far. I hope we get to see more of all of them in the next book, The Magic man i cant wait til november Ps 🙄🙄Ulla am I right

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – review by Tabitha montero

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Liam is usually the protector of his twin sister Ali. He travels overseas and is presumed dead by all but Ali. Three years later, he is “found” and comes back home to help his pregnant sister and new husband. Ali and new husband, country singer Joe, have just bought a new house with 2 guest cottages on the property. Liam stays in one and Joes sister Teresa. Liam’s protector instincts take over even though he typically is weary of the rich, after Teresa starts having serious accidents.
I did read the first book in the series and would recommend doing the same. While the story focuses mostly on Liam and Teresa, knowing the backstory is very helpful.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Kelli Harper

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, the second book in the Olympic Peninsula series says WATCH THIS! Liam and Teresa are both a handful on their own but when you throw them together watch out. It is very rare that the second book rivals the first but I must admit I think I like Teresa and Liam’s story better than Joe and Ali from book one. You should read these in order as they do carry on from book one and Joe and Ali are very prominent in this second book. I am eagerly awaiting the 3rd book…. I have read the blurb and let’s just say I can’t hardly wait!

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Beverly Finnie

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed The Guardsman, it’s the 2nd book in this series. The author wrote a follow up novel that works out quite well.
Liam has returned! Ali has her twin back, but does she? He’s changed and he has secrets to keep. Is it for good reason or just privacy to spare what really happened?
Teresa is the one who finally convinced him to admit his true identity and come home. She also has a lot on her plate she’s running from. Running right into Liam’s arms. When freak accidents start happening one starts to wonder if someone is after her.
The author navigates all these obstacles and challenges wonderfully. The growth of Liam’s character is what kept me glued to this novel. Despite his past he’s one of the good ones, however does he know that?
You don’t necessarily have to read book 1 to read book 2. It’s a series but a standalone in its own right. Now for you it’s time to check it out! Me I’m going to go back to book 1 and read it right through book 2 to see if I’m missing anything.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Rayne East

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Pulls at the heartstrings
The second book in The Olympic Peninsula series, The Guardsman tell the story of 2 lost souls trying to find their place in the world. Liam and Teresa have been through so much, on different levels and were not looking for love but the chemistry said otherwise. This well written contemporary romance has everything that makes for a great read. Looking firearm to reading more from this author. Recommend.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold. I love this Olympic Peninsula series. Its the second book in the series and I recommend reading the first book before due to the same characters being in this book. This is Liam’s story. Liam is a troubled man who has pretty much had to raise his sister Ali and they had a very hard time growing up. Liam was presumed dead for 3 years after being in an explosion in Israel. Ali has never stopped looking for him and when they find him, she and her husband bring him home with them. Liam is trying to heal and get his life back together and decide what he wants to do with his life. When he meets Theresa, Ali’s sister in law, he becomes very protective and feels things he swore he would never feel. As he tries to process all the emotions of what he has been thru will there be room for Theresa and will he allow himself that happiness. Read this amazing 2nd book in this series to find out!

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Megan Conley

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series and you don’t necessarily have to read the first to understand what’s going on. I would recommend it just to have a better grasp on *some* of the characters but it’s not necessary. I really enjoy Treadgold’s writing style and the way she writes and develops her characters. They are very realistic and relatable. I am really digging the thriller/suspense with a little bit of romance and spice thrown in there…two of my favorite genres 🙂 I thoroughly loved Liam and Teresa’s story, both individually and together and I can’t wait to see what else Cat Treadgold has in store.

Reviewed by @meggs1717

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Ashley McMillon

This was a great book to dive into this author. I found myself really interested in the relationship that the two main characters have. The twisted web of relationships was so fun to experience in this book. I loved this story a lot and it didn’t dawn on me that it was not the first in the series! It was really a great stand alone and now I want to read more by this author!

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Kayla Octaviano


Love the edgy Liam character and how well he fits with his exact opposite, Teresa, a rich socialite. Read this book if you like awkward moments, romance blossoming, and funny family moments.

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Amanda Glaspie

When I started this book, I had no idea this was the second book in the series. itnhad great description ls of each character, and it was very easy to learn and feel their emotions. The story was intriguing and a little unique; at times, the storyline seemed a little far-fetched. The narration did sound forced which made it hard to focus on the story but I was able to get used to it as the story progressed. Overall, if you’re looking for a cute romance, this will definitely fill that need.

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Trista Martin

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I haven’t read the first book in this series, but still enjoyed The Guardsman and didn’t feel like I was lost. I enjoyed the suspense and family dynamics throughout the book.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Shelly Kittell

Oh, Teresa and Liam’s story is so relatable. Even though she came from a rich family, her struggles are one’s that many of us can relate to. Now, Liam, that man is hot, sexy mystery and one that would be fun to discover. I sure enjoyed listening to their story. The mystery of where Liam was after the bombing had me on edge wanting to know just as much as Teresa, Ali and Joe. The mysteries intertwined in this story are fantastic along with some little twists in there. Don’t even get me started on some of the antagonist’s such as Carrie, Ulla, Koli and some of the others.

The writing is wonderful. I found the tone to be a mysterious and suspenseful tone. I enjoyed it being read by the author. There was always an air of “the other shoe is going to drop.” The characters were so well-developed and the details of them in the story made me feel like I was there. Listening to the story actually gave you the feeling that you were there, kind of like you were eavesdropping.

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Manda Kelly

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an amazing 2nd book. I was so happy to know that we’d get to learn Liam’s story. He is so fiercely protective of Teresa. While I absolutely adore Joe, Liam has quickly become a 2nd favorite. Even thought he tries to hide it, and so does she, the chemistry between the 2 of them is so alive and HOT. I definitely recommend reading the 1st book in the series, as it explains a bit of Liam’s story, but I also feel like this book does a really good job making it possible to read as a stand alone. Cat Treadgold is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine.

Review By: Manda Kelly 2023

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Sunday Barnaby

The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold

Narrated by Cat Treadgold

Five Stars


The Guardsman is the second book in the Olympic Peninsula series and the second book I have listened to by this author. Both books are standalone but you will have a better understanding of the characters if you listen in order. This book features Theresa and Liam and their trials and tribulations. This was an intriguing book that had me guessing at what would happen next. I can’t wait for the third book to come out. Cat Treadgold’s narration was very easy to listen to and I enjoyed it tremendously.

Review by @sunbarn

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Melissa Saxton

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Guardsman is book 2 in a thrilling series. Though book 1 isnt required to read it, will definitely help you understand the main characters, this book focuses more on Liam.

Liam, whos been presumed dead for over three years (after an explosion at the end of Book on is found by a private investigator. Ali, His sister has never given up on him still being alive. Theresa, who is Joes sister (Alis Husband) brings Liam home to Ali. Theresa is instantly attracted to Liam, however hes quite resistant. Theresa is rich and appears on the surface to be a society princess: everything Liam hates. deep down he cant help but admit hes feeling the attraction even if he wants to deny it. Shes independent and spirited and the banter between them keeps him enthralled.
After coming home to live with his sister and her new husband (joe) but struggles to settle into “home”. When Theresa starts become more and more “accident prone” and increasing strange events happen Liams heckles raise and his protection instinct kicks in.

What is going on with Theresa? Will her independent streak crumble to allow Liam to help her? Are these all accidents and coincidences? Will Liam and Theresa get past all the things they think they didnt like or couldnt have and accept one another?

This is a romantic suspense, with the audio reading by the author which I feel gave it extra flair. I felt the characters emotions and the story kept me turning page after page.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Robin Rankin

The Guardsmen (The Olympic Peninsula, Book 2)

I have had the pleasure to listen to both of the books in this series and enjoyed each of them. I loved being able to catch up with Joe, Allie, Teresa and others as well as meeting someone new.

Learning Liam’s story was something I was hoping for since he was introduced. Definitely a lot more interesting than I think most people would have expected.

I highly recommend listening to the first before taking on this one, there is a lot of useful information that will help make this one make sense.

Looking forward to the next one, I really like this family and look forward to keeping them around for a bit.

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 2)The Guardsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Having read and enjoyed the first book in this series I was looking forward to this second instalment, and I was not disappointed. It can be read as a standalone story but the characters do crossover, as Liam is Ali’s brother, who is missing and presumed dead in book one. Liam and his twin sister had a tough childhood in the foster care system where Liam helped keep them both safe, so when he was blown up in a terroirs attack whilst abroad, Ali was determined to prove that he was still alive. Then three years after he went missing an investigator locates him in Jerusalem working as a security guard. Liam is scarred mentally and physically and so agrees to join Ali and her new husband Joe at their home, on a large estate in Port Townsend, Washington. At the same time Joe’s sister Teresa, who is fleeing a broken engagement and wanting to get away from her controlling mother, is also staying with them. His first impression of Teresa is that she’s the kind of rich society princess that he avoids, however, he finds it hard to stay away from her. When she needs a protector, having become suspiciously accident prone, Liam steps in. I was kept happily turning the pages by this heartwarming romantic suspense novel. The characters and the setting are brought vividly to life by the descriptive narrative, making me feel immersed in the storyline. I liked ‘catching up’ with Ali and Joe, as well as having the new relationship between Liam and Teresa develop throughout the story. An enjoyable and engaging read.

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The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

5 Star’s

The Guardsman (The Olympic Peninsula Series Book 2) Audiobook by Cat Treadgold



The Guardsman is the second book in The Olympic Peninsula Series (Audiobook) and is a Romance Suspense that will pull you in from the beginning and doesn’t let go till the end.  This is my second Audiobook by this author and I truly enjoyed it as much as the first book. This author did their own narration and they knocked it out of the park . I’d highly suggest listening/reading the first book as it will help you to know the characters and what has been going on. The storyline flowed so well through the narrator that I felt like I was a part of the story.  Liam and Teresa are about to find out what happens when your accident prone and need a protector.  I highly recommend listening to this story to find out what happens next. It’s a definite must read/listen. I’m looking forward to reading/listening to more from this Author.