
Bittersweep by Wareeze Woodson

~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
Bittersweep by Wareeze Woodson
Genre – Historical Western, Romance, mystery
Page Count – 288 pages
Arriving at the station in 1897, twenty-year-old Elizabeth Campbell steps off the train onto the wooden platform at Bittersweep, Texas. After Yellow fever ran rampant over the small community devastating families, hers included, she hoped never to see the place again. However, broke and in need of employment, she accepts a job as the new teacher. She dreads meeting a native of the town yet is thrilled by her chance to discover what really happened fifteen years earlier. Would her mother’s box still be hidden waiting for her to retrieve?
Standing in the middle of the road, memories of fifteen years ago roll over her drowning out every sound except the roar of the fire behind her. Trapped in the recollections of her five-year-old self and that dreadful time, she envisions peering over her shoulder at the smoke and flames billowing over the treetops behind the wagon. Wanting to cry, she lifts her chin and turns away from the horrifying scene. She must care for her baby sister now.
JP Honeycutt snatches her out of the path of a runaway team and wagon bearing down on her. He is the chairman of the schoolboard meeting the train to escort her to her lodgings. Wealthy, powerful, a man of strength and character, he takes a dim view of her actions. Deciding to give her a chance to prove herself, he loads her into his buckboard and takes her to the boardinghouse.
Will what they discover together bring the two together or forever tear the lovers apart?


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 I write under the name Wareeze Woodson. I took my mother’s pen name Wareeze for my own. She never had anything published so I thought I would carry her pen name forward. I write historical romance with a twist of suspense, Regency and Victorian mostly. I did tackle a historical western as well. I’m an avid reader and I love to write as well. I live near Houston, TX and enjoy my family. Thank God for grandchildren. If you like to read historical love stories with a flavoring of suspense, look for books by Wareeze Woodson and join me on a journey through the past with daring heroines and dashing heroes.

Author Interview With Wareeze Woodson




Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Samantha Snow

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Discovering new to me authors is always such a nice treat!! I just love the way this author writes too! Captured by the Viscount was such a GREAT read. To say I enjoyed it is a mild statement because I absolutely loved it and was glued to its pages until the VERY END! I was drawn into the scene and time written for me to imagine. I was very captivated by the mystery to be solved as well. The unfolding events and mystery are very entertaining and keep you reading because well you just need to know what’s going to happen next! LOVED the story and I am looking forward to reading more of this author’s amazing work!!

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Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Deb Robinson

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love this time period of old London. This book was full of twists and turns from a despicable brother, a malicious cousin, a spoiled sister, and many other suspects.
Isabel is given an ultimatum, the gaol or marriage to the Viscount. The book follows Isabel’s’ and Matthew’s journey.
Matthew had already requested the hand in marriage of two other young ladies who had met with unfortunate accidents. Time was running out as Matthew had to have a bride within the month. Were these accidents intentional or purely coincidental? I was still guessing until the last chapter of this book. Thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This wonderfully written story is full of historical detail and time period social niceties all of which added to the feeling of being immersed in the era. When Lady Isabel Carlyle breaks into the Viscount Matthew Paul Rutherford’s residence she believes him to be out of town so does not expect to be faced with an angry Viscount aiming a pistol at her heart. Even though Isabel was trying to put the stolen property back and retrieve her own the Viscount Rutherford was not impressed. However, Matthew sees that this might be an unexpected solution to his current problem, of having to find a bride within the month. Having chosen two different damsels from Almack’s marriage mart who then had fatal accidents he is running out of time, and so offers Isabel a choice, marriage to him or gaol. The authors descriptive narrative bought both the characters and the setting to life. I was hooked from page one and the storyline flowed well and the plot twists kept me happily turning the pages. I recommend this enjoyable and engaging historical romance and look forward to reading future books by the author.

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Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Katie Matthews

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I absolutely love this author! This is the second book that I have read by her and she just absolutely brings my favourite genre to life as I’m reading. I honestly cannot recommend this book enough; I was hooked from beginning to end. The detailed writing allowed me to imagine exactly what was going on in the story and I adored the characters Isabel and Matthew – Isabel may have been a damsel in distress but she could certainly hold her own. I loved Matthew – who doesn’t love a sexy yet arrogant Viscount?!? I loved the twist in the story too!
A fantastic read – I cannot wait to read more from Ms Woodson again in the future.

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Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson—Reviewed by Jerricka Brown

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book so much. I am a huge fan of historical romance and this one was
amazing. I loved how there were multiple elements going on inside the story. I admire the way the author gripped my attention and held it there. The interaction of the characters with each other was awesome. This is my first book by this author, but it will not be the last.

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Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Brittany Spry

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was delightfully surprised by this book! I don’t typically read historical fiction but decided to take a gamble on this story and I am so glad I did. I loved the constant banter between the heroine, Isabel, and her handsome yet pushy new husband. I was constantly looking forward to seeing what would happen next and read the book fairly quickly! If you are in search of a book that will pass the time quickly as you are transported into another era this is the perfect fit. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Piper Foster

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Matt irks me at times he is such a judgemental character and seems to have hatred for everyone. Isabelle is stuck between a rock and a hard place she doesn’t know where to turn. Her drowy Edgar is not at all as he seems at first she an independent lady and knows how to settle this and take things into her own hands. Such a good read.

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Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Carrie Reed

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars!

I love the way this author writes, the stories all have romance but added in is the element of crime against the main characters and a mystery that needs to be uncovered. Isabel and Matt are a sweet couple, I love that Matt becomes so protective and in love with her as quickly as he does, especially with the way they first meet. Throughout the book Matt tries to uncover who is behind the plot to kill his new wife, along with Matt, we as the reader are trying to figure that out ourselves. There were so many times I thought I knew who it was but was fooled until the end. I really enjoy period romances and with little twists and turns along the way, it keeps the book more exciting and me engaged. I look forward to more from this author.

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Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Captured by the ViscountCaptured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this historical romance story. This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites by her yet. This is a well written story about a thief who is trying to restore a right and then you have the viscount who needs to find a bride before the month is out. He has a solution to his problem when he gives this thief a choice. What will happen next you will need to read this book to find out. The characters are great and made the story fun to read. They brought life to the story as well as kept me turning pages to the end. They have great chemistry and just made the story for me. This is one of my favorite genes and I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson

~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
Captured by the Viscount by Wareeze Woodson
Genre – Historical romance, suspense, Regency
Page Count – 216 pages

Under cover of night and with the best of intentions, Lady Isabel Carlyle breaks into the viscount’s residence to restore his stolen property and retrieve her own. The viscount is out of town for at least a sennight, and she never once considers facing a pistol aimed directly at her heart.
The Viscount Matthew Paul Rutherford has need of a bride before the month’s end. Previously, he had selected two different damsels from the marriage mart—Almack’s. However, both ladies met with a fatal accident before the wedding. Now, presented with an unexpected solution to his problem in the form of the lovely thief, he gives her a choice, marriage, or gaol.


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I write under the name Wareeze Woodson. I took my mother’s pen name Wareeze for my own. She never had anything published so I thought I would carry her pen name forward. I write historical romance with a twist of suspense, Regency and Victorian mostly. I did tackle a historical western as well. I’m an avid reader and I love to write as well. I live near Houston, TX and enjoy my family. Thank God for grandchildren. If you like to read historical love stories with a flavoring of suspense, look for books by Wareeze Woodson and join me on a journey through the past with daring heroines and dashing heroes.

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Rosemary Martinez

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very interesting read. I am a huge fan of historical romance so this was right up my alley. I felt bad for Emily and all she had to deal with in this awkward situation her step brother put her in. I did enjoy the banter and found that fun to read. There were definitely times that I wanted to scream at one character or another but I am glad I made I to the end. I really enjoyed following Phillip and Emily’s relationship and was quite happy with how the store turned out. Would definitely recommend!

Reviewed by @rosemarym3483

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emily Riventon is an eighteen year old girl with only a step-brother and a step-mother as family, her step-brother is also her legal guardian, but he has a drinking and gambling problem and unfortunately, on a night which started with attending a soiree together, ended in a candle-lit gambling den around a table with the men betting on dice and the wager was her! As she watches from the sidelines, she regards those sitting around the table, all young men apart from one and it is this one she is sincerely hoping doesn’t win, however, even if her step-brother wins the roll, she will still end up married to him or worse, but because of the tight hold on her wrist, Emily is unable to escape this mortifying and horrifying situation. As the dice roll, it seems that her luck is running out and her step-brother’s luck is in, however, on the last roll it is another of the gentlemen who wins, it is the Earl of Lenbridge and now she feels slightly more fortunate.

The Earl who has won his prize regards Emily scrutinizing her features, womanly shape and attire in the rooms candle light, he appraises him in the same way, he is handsome, has large hands and a well cut suit and evening jacket, meanwhile, he is more than happy with her beauty and he sees an innocent young woman before him who will do nicely in comparison to another young woman he has made the acquaintance of. After this, the Earl pulls some paperwork from the inside pocket of his jacket and presents it to her step-brother to sign, which he does with an exclamation and a regretful look Emily’s way and once this transaction is completed, Emily and the Earl leave the establishment and get into a coach to head to their next destination, it is clear that the Earl has imbibed a high amount of the strong liquor which was on offer and seems to be quite affected by it as he is helped into the carriage by his footman, mumbles to himself and falls asleep during the journey. While Emily is observing all of this, she is trying to collate her thoughts and wrap her head around everything which had come to pass that evening, that is until they reach their destination and the footman has to wake the Earl up.

As they enter an unfamiliar house, they are greeting by a butler who appears to have dressed hastily so that he can inform another of their arrival at the house, again, the Earl has to be helped out of the carriage and into the house, although he does still have the dexterity to be able to stop Emily from falling over on the dimly lit walkway. However, as the next guest is announced, Emily has a sudden feeling of foreboding, what will become of her now that she is the possession of the Earl, will he just use her as a mistress and make her future even more uncertain, or will she be forced into a marriage of convenience where duty comes before love? This is a tale of a regency period historical romance where uncertainty reigns and futures are as changeable as the weather, but it is a story which will hook you in and wanting to know what the future holds, will it be full of obligation and boredom, or will it be a riot of secrets and revelations? The only way to find out is to read to the end and see where this inconsiderate and scandalous wager leads.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson is an historical romance in every sense of the word. Wareeze tells her story that is written in the way in which they spoke in that time period, which certainly takes some time to get the hang of the flow of it. The writing is very descriptive, and it was easy to see the life of our characters as they unfolded. I did enjoy their banter and found it fun. Although I found it easy to be offended for Emily and her misfortunes and her brother, I wanted to smack some sense into him, but I am guessing these things happened back in the day. I think that is why historical is not my favourite genre, seeing the way women were treated back then frustrates me. HOWEVER, that does NOT mean I did not like this story it is just my ruminations on events at that time.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Karyn Taylor

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager is a wonderful historical romance novel by Wareeze Woodson. This was a new author to me and I can now gladly add another author to my authors to read group. I’ve not read a lot of historical fiction but I’ve found it to be a genre that I’m enjoying more and more.
Philip, Earl of Lenbridge has won the beautiful Emily in a poker game when her brother callously put her up as his stake in the game. To save her from the scandal, Philip marries Emily.
I really love so much about this book. I love the backbiting that goes on between the gentry and aristocracy, all trying to out-do one another. It’s vicious at times and makes for very entertaining reading.
I loved the growing relationship between Philip and Emily as their marriage of convenience becomes more for the two of them. Philip proves to be a gentleman, taking his wife’ side against his grandmother and the horrible woman who he had originally planned to marry.
This is a thoroughly entertaining book. The characters are very well written and the storyline flows well and keeps the reader engaged with the story.
I definitely recommend this book.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Lisa Helmick

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This story took me on a long long journey. Part of the time I wondered why? It just seemed like I was watching the daily lives of these people. I was struggling to keep turning pages. Then it started to pick up more than half way through the book. The ending all twisty and full of who dunnits.

The characters are a plenty. We the the MC and a few secondary then many on the outskirts. Some I enjoyed, others I couldn’t stand then there are those that impress me with their about-face. I know times were different back then. But what poor Emily had to put up with from well…really everyone is outlandish. Favorite character would be Emily for her strength to overcome and endure everyone around her.

Overall this is an okay story…closer to the end. The parties and day to day living really didn’t further the story in the book so I could have passed on some of those. The beginning though was well done and drew my interest into the story. The slower pace of the story just isn’t for me. The characters seemed well done and the excitement at the end was well done

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Alexandra Nay

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After her freedom is lost with a roll of the dice, Emily’s fate is now in the hands of the unknown but undeniably attractive Phillip, Earl of Lenbridge. Jealous and self-serving, snubbed antagonists create trouble after the Earl forces Emily into an unexpected marriage. When initial attempts to end Emily’s life fail, she must learn to trust in herself, and her new husband. Both Emily and Philip’s personal failures and triumphs feel very genuine, and easily inspire connection.
In a genre that often falls pray to predictability, author Wareeze Woodson  does a stellar job keeping readers guessing until the very end. If you love a comfortable, yet exciting period piece romance, this book is for you.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Kerry Carr

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story. It is a historical romance and as such the writing and the language reflect that. It was interesting to read a story that contains a lot of the social etiquette that was the normal in years gone by. The characters reactions to things and how they respond to situations were so different to how a person would respond in the present day and that all added to the charm of this book. The author does an amazing job of transporting you back to that time period and keeping you there.

I love the character of Emily. She starts out so scared and unsure when she is won in a game from her stepbrother. The person who wins her is  Lord Lenbridge. She knows nothing of this man but as the story progresses you feel her confidence and her love for him grown.
The little extra added into this story which makes it different to being just a romance is the element of danger that is present. Someone is out to get Emily, to ruin her life and destroy her marriage but who could it be? Could it be the jilted lover Phillip originally planned to marry? Or his family that don’t approve of their marriage? Or could it even be Emily’s step brother who has feelings for her that are strictly feelings between siblings? The story has you guessing to the end.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Scandalous and gripping!! Not only does this author write these fantastic characters so well that you can actually hear them talking, but she grabs you into this story and keeps you there! I LOVED this book! Poor Emily has had a rough go. Her mother dies, her father remarries, then her father dies, and he leaves her in the care of her gambling step-brother. Her stepbrother puts her up for grabs in a game of dice and he LOSES her to a stranger!! Her world is thrown upside down and she can’t quite catch her footing. Will she end up beaten down by an Earl (and his family!) who won her in a game? Will she find her way in this strange circumstance? Or will she end up dead, because her step-brother has basically sold her to pay off his wagers! Who really has the luck of those dice?! Read this historical romance to find out!!

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Reviewed by @jaimie0459

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Amanda Lundin

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a delightful story! It has the perfect ingredients of great book: romance, rags to riches, period piece, ball gowns, murder, mystery, scandal, strong characters, and a wonderful plot.

I love a good romantic mystery as well as period pieces (ball gowns and titles, I’m still a princess at heart). This book did not disappoint. It kept true to the times and language to the perfect degree that you could fully understand what they were saying and enjoy the different types of speech. The predicament in which the main characters met, their developing relationship, and trials and errors (lots of those), emotions and reactions felt very realistic and we’re so well written and thought out.

Another thing that was really neat about this book was the various character’s point of views we got to experience; which I think really added something special and unique. This sharing of view points enabled the reader to be in everyone’s thoughts and experience the emotions she allowed her characters to showcase; and boy did they have some strong feelings! There were no flat characters in this book.

I adored this book, it is definitely worth the read and I will be looking into this author for other great reads!

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Erica Fish

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a historical romance story. This is a newer genre that I am reading and I have found that if you let yourself be immersed into the story, you will love every bit of the historical details. Wareeze Woodson is a new author for me. I love the number of details she includes in her storyline. I could feel myself in the past with the characters. Her characters are amazing. They are fully developed and complicated. This is Emily’s story, and what a story to be part of. Her guardian (step-brother) played a game of chance with Emily on the line and he lost. Emily was now the Earl of Lendbridge’s property. She is unsure of her future. What kind of future can you have with someone you don’t even know? I highly recommend this book. I found Emily’s story engaging and wanting more for her. I cannot wait to read more books by this author.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jenique Bornman

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not completely what I expected…… IN A GOOD WAY!!!
The mystery and suspense of “Who” could be targetting them was an excellent plot twist. It definitely brought something different to the story.
Used as collateral Emily definitely didn’t see her night going from a normal outing to ending up married, did she….
Woodson is a new Author to me and writes historical Romance in the more traditional way (the way I like) I’m definitely checking out more of her books

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Rachel Moss

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson was a really good read. While the events that take place happen quickly, it felt like it took a while for this novel to pick up its pace. Once it did, I could hardly put this book down! It got very interesting, very quickly to me. I especially enjoyed the fact that this is the first historical fiction novel I’ve read that has been published recently that actually read like a classic romance novel. I thought that was very interesting and just added to this books charm. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel and I hope to read more from this author in the future.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Georgette Quinn


The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson is a perfect read for anyone who loves historical romances or mysteries. The love story between Emily and Phillip felt natural and not forced. You’ll be rooting for them to let their walls down and let love in. Also, I usually solve the mystery well before the big reveal, but this time I didn’t. Every time I thought I had it solved, my guess would be proven innocent. This book will have you guessing even at the start of the big reveal.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Sarah Hammel

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

In historical romance there are things you expect and there are things that you expect to be glossed over or changed for the genre such as the treatment of women. However, it was very jarring to continuously have the Earl and every other man think about the main character Emily as a possession. As is always the case, I wish there was a longer time between the meeting and the proper relationship starting because it felt very rushed to me that they got married and then the next day Emily was already practically in love with him. Period romances are my favorites and I was very excited to read this book to add another to the ever growing pile but I ended up slightly disappointed because the characters were coarse and at the best of times fickle. The cute and romantic moments were very wonderful and it was super sweet. Overall, a quaint period romance for a quick change of pace for someone.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fantastic Book!! Great Historical read. Totally worth the time!! My heart really ached for Emily, whom was caught in the middle between her step brothers financial debt, a bet in which he loses and the people whom try and tear her and the Earl of Lenbridge (Phillip Beckley Benton) apart. I know that the Earl of Lenbridge really loves Emily deep down and I am glad he won against Emily’s step brother. There is some mystery as well to this story. I very much enjoyed this book! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Angela Hayes

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson.
This is an historical romance, written in the old school style- keeping true to the language and style of the era. I read a lot of historical romances, but it did take me a few beats to get into the style of writing, as well as this type of dialogue, but it didn’t take too long for me to settle into the story. Everything was very ‘proper’, including the intimate scenes- where the sex was suggested, but not depicted in any great detail. Again, in keeping with the era- and the old school style.
Emily is quite beside herself when her stepbrother, and legal guardian, places his bets in a card game by using her as his collateral. You guessed it, her brother loses the bet, and Emily becomes the Earl of Lenbridge’s prize of the night. What will he decide to do with her? Will it all end in heartache and scandal? If you really want to know, then you should snap up a copy and discover all the details for yourself- no spoilers here.
While I did enjoy the story for the most part, there were a few frustrating moments for me that detracted a little from my overall enjoyment of the story. I found that the storyline was full of contradictions… things that pulled me out of the story and made me go back to reread sections thinking that I had maybe misread or misunderstood them. But no, I hadn’t- the story was just contradicting itself a little. Things like;
“Not that Annalise was necessarily vicious, but she certainly enjoyed tweaking Emily when she could.”
Then only a short while later, this…
“Annalise would use the information to discredit his wife. Annalise was a spiteful, jealous cat…”
And this is just one example of quite a few instances of contradictions- it really frustrated me.
This is my first read by Wareeze Woodson, so I will definitely explore more of her work in order to get a better ‘feel’ for her style and stories.
If you love old school historical romances, with meddling relatives, jealous adversaries, hidden agendas, danger, and drama- then this is definitely the book for you.

Thank you, Wareeze Woodson!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Mirela Ruiz

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson was a great historical romance. I adored Emily as a character and worried about what would happen to her. The attention to detail was spot on and it really helped immerse me into the story. The dialogue kept me immersed as well. I enjoyed the plot, it’s not everyday you’re used as a bargaining chip.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Rebecca Hill

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to admit that I’m partial to historical romance, but I loved this book. The story begins with the introduction of Emily Ann Brumville being wagered by her brother in a game of dice. It sounds quite shocking in today’s world but was even more shocking then. We follow the aftermath of that bet as well as the ripple effects in the life of Lord Phillip Lenbridge. Phillip and Emily are sweet and fun together. Their dialogue and banter together are fun to read and will put a smile on your face. I highly recommend this book to entertain you and sweep you away for a while.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Anantha Rusum

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like historic romances and what better than one with a twist. This book has a dash of romance and is also a suspense thriller. Emily Brumville, the heroine, has been waged against a bet that her step-brother made, because of his gambling problem. He was sure that he would win the wager. But unfortunately, he loses. Now Emily is at the mercy of the handsome Earl of Lenbridge, Phillip Beckley Benton. Emily is worried if the Earl will propose marriage to her or should she live as his mistress. There are people trying hard to separate them from coming together. Someone is trying to tear them apart, and the suspense builds when unexpected things start happening.
I enjoyed this author. As I said earlier, I like historic romances and this one was a real breezy read. A brave heroine, a dashing hero and the suspense looming around the corner, perfect recipe for a good book.

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