The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emily Riventon is an eighteen year old girl with only a step-brother and a step-mother as family, her step-brother is also her legal guardian, but he has a drinking and gambling problem and unfortunately, on a night which started with attending a soiree together, ended in a candle-lit gambling den around a table with the men betting on dice and the wager was her! As she watches from the sidelines, she regards those sitting around the table, all young men apart from one and it is this one she is sincerely hoping doesn’t win, however, even if her step-brother wins the roll, she will still end up married to him or worse, but because of the tight hold on her wrist, Emily is unable to escape this mortifying and horrifying situation. As the dice roll, it seems that her luck is running out and her step-brother’s luck is in, however, on the last roll it is another of the gentlemen who wins, it is the Earl of Lenbridge and now she feels slightly more fortunate.

The Earl who has won his prize regards Emily scrutinizing her features, womanly shape and attire in the rooms candle light, he appraises him in the same way, he is handsome, has large hands and a well cut suit and evening jacket, meanwhile, he is more than happy with her beauty and he sees an innocent young woman before him who will do nicely in comparison to another young woman he has made the acquaintance of. After this, the Earl pulls some paperwork from the inside pocket of his jacket and presents it to her step-brother to sign, which he does with an exclamation and a regretful look Emily’s way and once this transaction is completed, Emily and the Earl leave the establishment and get into a coach to head to their next destination, it is clear that the Earl has imbibed a high amount of the strong liquor which was on offer and seems to be quite affected by it as he is helped into the carriage by his footman, mumbles to himself and falls asleep during the journey. While Emily is observing all of this, she is trying to collate her thoughts and wrap her head around everything which had come to pass that evening, that is until they reach their destination and the footman has to wake the Earl up.

As they enter an unfamiliar house, they are greeting by a butler who appears to have dressed hastily so that he can inform another of their arrival at the house, again, the Earl has to be helped out of the carriage and into the house, although he does still have the dexterity to be able to stop Emily from falling over on the dimly lit walkway. However, as the next guest is announced, Emily has a sudden feeling of foreboding, what will become of her now that she is the possession of the Earl, will he just use her as a mistress and make her future even more uncertain, or will she be forced into a marriage of convenience where duty comes before love? This is a tale of a regency period historical romance where uncertainty reigns and futures are as changeable as the weather, but it is a story which will hook you in and wanting to know what the future holds, will it be full of obligation and boredom, or will it be a riot of secrets and revelations? The only way to find out is to read to the end and see where this inconsiderate and scandalous wager leads.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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