Silk Road: Code Raven 6 by Lynda Filler – Review by Kerry Baker

SILK ROAD (Code Raven, #6)SILK ROAD by Lynda Filler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Silk Road by Lynda Filler is the sixth book in her Code Raven series. This is a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat and reading right to the end.
This book has a complex and intriguing story line. There are many different things going on. Things that at first might not seem linked. But not everything is quite that clear cut.
The author takes you on a journey full of twists and turns. The writing draws you in from the start and makes sure not to let you go at all. I found that I had to read this book in one sitting because I wanted to know what was going on. And to read about all the “old gang” again was great. It is always nice to step back into such interesting and well established characters. This was another great addition to the series.

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