Shattered Love (Forever Us, #1) by Nivia Borell – Review by Jenni Bishop

Shattered LoveShattered Love by Nivia Borell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Shattered Love: Book one of the “Forever us” series by Nivia Borell is a contemporary romance story that is a very raw and extremely emotional read. This story provoked so many feelings in me and I am not sure how I feel about it. It is a story of young love destroyed by one night. A night that was not at all what it seemed. A night that destroyed two people beyond repair. I was so angry at times and my heart was breaking. The pain is palpable, hearts are shattered, anger is ripe, lies and deceit are finally discovered but is it too late? The story is told from several POVs, which gives an inside look at the emotions and feelings of the characters and makes the story more interesting even though I didn’t quite connect with these characters.

Bria no recollection of events but everything points to betrayal. Betrayal that has literally caused her heart to break and her mind to splinter. She has broken heart syndrome and has become emotionally shut down and numb. All the players believe they have been brought together to celebrate her birthday but for her it is something entirely different.

Damien will never let love in to his life again. Betrayal runs to deep. The anger he holds keeps feeling anything else at bay but the words he finds can only destroy. When secrets and lies are finally revealed can he finally find the peace he needs to heal the one thing he still loves?

I am interested to see what the next book in the series brings.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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