The Discovery of Magic (The Intrigue of Magic Series) by L. J. Evias – Review by Jenni Bishop
The Discovery of Magic by L. J. Evias
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
3 – 3.5 stars
The Discovery of Magic is an intriguing read and L.J. has craftily woven plots amongst plots as the adventure of new worlds, magic, mayhem and friendship ride out in this epic fantasy.
The story starts out strong but there are a few ebbs and flows along the way that slow things down at times, but it does sort itself out and was still an interesting read.
The Discovery of Magic is told in multiple POV of the engaging characters, and it is those friendships/relationships that make the story. It is a journey where there is magic and many things for them to learn and explore as they travel through portals, worlds and people. But there are also lies, secrets, and conniving and menacing characters that they must deal with along the way.
Things were left unanswered in the end, so we have to wait for the next book to see how things pan out.
Reviewed by @jennadb