The Brass Compass: A Novel by Ellen Butler – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

The Brass CompassThe Brass Compass by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Brass Compass by Ellen Butler was AMAZING! It is a historical fiction book inspired by real characters and events, but adapted into a fictional story. By the end I was fully invested in the characters and their futures. The imagery used to describe the horrific events and scenes of WWII Germany were wonderfully written. I could envision the scenes unfolding before me as I continued through the chapters.
The book follows Lily St. James, an American spy from her teens into her early twenties. Shortly after leaving Finishing School, she wants to do her part to help the war effort. She finds herself joining the OSS, to become a spy. She is sent to Germany to infiltrate a ranking officer’s house and collect Intel. After things go badly, and her cover may be compromised, she must go on the run. We follow her throughout Germany and Switzerland as she try to escape the Nazi and SS troops, in order to get her vital information to the Allies. She makes friends along the way, and they continue to resurface as the story continues and she is sent on more missions. Will she make it back home to America safely, to reunite with her father? Read and find out. Highly recommend this book!

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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