The Fisher Men X-ing Lines (Fisher Men Book II) by Rebel Nicks O’Dey – Review by Angela Hayes

The Fisher Men X-ing Lines (Book #2)The Fisher Men X-ing Lines by Rebel Nicks O’Dey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


The Fisher Men X-ing lines is the second book in the Fisher Men Series by Rebel Nicks O’Dey. The story has a wonderful friends-to-lovers element to the storyline, and a bit of a rom/com feel- but with plenty of suspense, a little mystery, intense chemistry, steamy details, some adventure, hidden agendas, investigations, drama, intrigue, tension, danger, emotion, and romance.
I love how this story/series focuses on an individual brother/couple- but also how there is a bridging story that plays out at the same time. There are so many intricate and interconnected details woven through the storyline- I can really appreciate how much attention to detail, planning, thought, heart, and soul that Ms. Nicks O’Dey has put into her work. Nothing has been left to chance- even the smallest detail seems to play a vital role in the course of the storyline.
This story was so intriguing- and really held its own against the brilliant first book. My level of anticipation was quite high, especially after loving the first book as hard as I did- and I wasn’t sure this could live up to it – but I needn’t have worried, as Ms. Nicks O’Dey certainly delivered everything I could have hoped for, and much more.
Veronica Lang (Rika) is Sam’s best friend (Book #1) and an investigative journalist working on an explosive expose. She has just moved into Connor Fisher’s apartment as his new roommate. This should be an interesting experience, especially since Connor is a well known neat freak, with OCD tendencies, and definite germaphobe. He’s also incredibly good looking and a really nice guy. But Rika is inquisitive, nosey, and lacks boundaries. From the start she starts blurring the lines, pushing his boundaries, and breaking all his rules. And they haven’t even met in person yet. So, what ensues makes for some really fun reading!
As with the first book, I was pulled into the story from the very beginning and couldn’t tear myself away. I was completely immersed in the story- and had to know how what happens. There are so many great characters- and a lot of them are recurring characters- so I really recommend reading the books as part of the series, because each book helps to build a ‘bigger picture’ as well as having many interconnected details and cross-overs of timelines/storylines. Ms. Nicks O’Dey does a brilliant job of weaving this multi-layered storyline- choreographing all the details quite masterfully.
A wonderful addition to the series, and a story/series you won’t want to miss!

Thank you, Rebel Nicks O’Dey!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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A Dark Sparrow Box Set (Books 1-3) by India Kells – Review by Sunday Barnaby

A Dark Sparrow Box Set - Books 1-3A Dark Sparrow Box Set – Books 1-3 by India Kells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Dark Sparrow Box Set
Four Stars

A Dark Sparrow Box Set is the first three books in the Dark Sparrow Series by India Kells. This set contains Lost Bastard, Cold Bastard and Wild Bastard. All three stories are a wonderful reads and can be read as standalones.

Lost Bastard features Aleksie and Deva. This book is full of action, mystery, danger and romance. This book had me hooked from the first page and I couldn’t put it down. The characters development is wonderful and the situations are intense.

Cold Bastard is the second book in the Dark Sparrow series by India Kells. I love a strong willed, kickass female lead and you will get that in this book. This story had me hooked from the very first page, and I read it in one sitting. It is full of action, suspense, humor and romance. The incredible writing skills and detailed characters made this a great read.

Wild Bastard is the third book in the Dark Sparrows Series by India Kells. This book hooked from the very first page and I couldn’t put it down till the last. This is Isabel and Kai’s story. They have so much chemistry, but also a bunch of baggage from their past. My emotions were taking big swings during this book, and I loved the action. I would highly recommend this book, series and author. I’m really looking forward to seeing what Ms.Kells has in store for us next.
Review by @sunbarn

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Price by C. L. Schneider – Review by Heather Lovelace

Magic-Price (The Crown of Stones, #1)Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow. Schneider is not new to me but this series is. And book one has just completely captured my imagination and taken it on such an incredible journey. I love books that make me relate to the characters and feel immediately connected and invested. The magic throughout the book felt tangible. I simply couldn’t put the book down until I had finished it and cannot wait to read the rest of the series.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Devils Dilemma: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #4 ) by Manda Mellett – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Devil's Dilemma (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4)Devil’s Dilemma by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Devil’s Dilemma
Satan’s Devils MC
Colorado Chapter #4
By Manda Mellett
This is a full length novel. You will find this to be a Romantic Suspense story.

Melissa and Pyro are the main characters in this book. It is their story!
Melissa is a strong independent woman. Never thought she would ever find her true mate. Let alone find him in The Satan’s Devils motorcycle club. Pyro was never going to settle down. He is (shhhh) the sweetest man ever. He takes Melissa as a friend and her protector. Life is an unexpected adventure. He soon finds himself, questioning himself. No Spoilers!

Manda Mellett has done it again. Her story picks up where she left off in chapter # 3. Please stop here if you have not read #1- #3. While you can read this as a standalone, you really should try to read the others first. You will find this book well written and fast paced. A true page turner loaded with action and a really unique romance. I truly have enjoyed Manda Mellett’s motorcycle stories. This one being my favorite, although I say that after each book. Well done Manda Mellett! I’ll be waiting for #5.


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My Life Series: Prequel to The Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone – Review by Michelle Austin

My Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of CamelotMy Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot was a great 5 star read.
This is a great box set that has My Hidden Life, My Tragic Life and My free life.

My Hidden Life: Brothers of Camelot Prequel
We start with Alessandra celebrating her sixth birthday, she is the princess of the Canzano family and she knows she has to represent. After she is shot leaving her party, her father becomes very protective and obsessive. Her father is the Capo and a very powerful man with enemies.

Uncle Louie has been training Alessandra for years and has grown very close to her. She is well trained in self-defense and weapons. She can definitely take care of herself. She has a lot of responsibility and expectations as the princess of the family.

As Alessandra starts to learn things about her family she starts to question some things. Does she really want to follow through with her father’s expectations? I really like Alessandra, she was very smart, strong female. Once I started, I couldn’t stop until I was done.

My Tragic Life: Prequel to The Brothers of Camelot
We continue with Aless’s story. She is very good with her weapons and she definitely shows up her Capos men. You get pulled in right from the beginning and won’t want to stop until your done. We get lots of action, suspense, several different emotions, violence and so much more.

Her Capo is looking for the right man to be by her side, why won’t he let her choose “the one”? She has gotten him to agree to her going to University, will her plan finally work? Can she get what she needs to get out?

Boy, I really love the chemistry between Luigi and Aless. He vows that he will not touch her while she’s underage but you can sure feel the heat coming up between them. Although she has plans to find someone outside the family. Grayson, please wait for me.

All of the secondary characters were great. Necie Navone does such a great job with her writing, you feel like your right there with everyone.

My Free Life: Prequel to The Brothers of Camelot
This is the final book in this great series.
Alessandra is getting ready to graduate and she is the Cappo Doona for the family. She wants to have her freedom and fulfill her promise to her mother. But things are not that simple for her.

There is so much that is going on in this book. All of the characters added a great element to the story. My emotions were all over the place. There are several unexpected twists and turns. I really liked Alessandra, she was a very strong woman that we get to watch grow up in this series. We get lots of action, secrets, suspense and so much more in this whole series. The ending couldn’t have been more perfect.

If you’re looking for a great read, I highly suggest you 1-click and get started on this one. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Devil’s Dilemma: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Randall Murphy

Devil's Dilemma (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4)Devil’s Dilemma by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Devil’s Dilemma: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Randall Murphy
This book gives a wonderful Motorcycle Club series. If you haven’t read any of the Satan’s Devils series, you can still enjoy this book, but the other characters mentioned in the book will not be familiar to you. If you are already a fan, this is Skull and Melissa’s story. It gives some back story that occurs prior to book 3. It continues their story and allows you to see what they go through before they find their Happily Ever After. As always, the characters are wonderfully written and very real.

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Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman
4 stars

I’ll preface this by saying this is not a genre I read a lot, but the cover and synopsis made it to where I couldn’t pass it up. While I enjoyed the book, it was something very new to me as I had no clue what a multiverse really was until this.
Wonderful writing had me not wanting to put it down, and it painted some great pictures in my mind. I will say I had to write down who was who as I couldn’t keep names straight but that may have just been me and the distractions of my children.
All in all if this is your genre of choice, you’ll absolutely love it, and if you like great writing and storytelling this is also the book for you. I am looking forward to more from this author as if this is his debut novel, I can’t imagine what the next will be like with how well this was written. Congratulations on your debut novel!

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A Dark Sparrow Box Set (Dark Sparrow Series Books 1-3) by India Kells – Review by Robin Rankin

A Dark Sparrow Box Set - Books 1-3A Dark Sparrow Box Set – Books 1-3 by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Dark Sparrow Box Set – Books 1-3 (Dark Sparrow Series) by India Kells consists of the first three books and this series.

You have six men, all fathered by the same man who’s lives could be more different except for their one common bond, Daddy who is anything but father of the year material.

Of the three brothers featured in this box set I think I liked Kai the best but they are all so different I’m not sure if he was really my favorite if I picked him because he is freshest in my mind.

There is no lack in adventure, suspense and romance in all of the books. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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My Life Series: Prequel to The Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone – Review by Tracy Manderson

My Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of CamelotMy Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone

5 out of 5 stars
Ms. Navone out did herself with this series. The characters are amazing and well written, and the plot was amazing. The description of the surroundings and the detail of what Alless aka Alessandra went through is just amazing.
My Hidden life book 1: Alessandra, is the Princess of the Canzano crime Family, she was introduced to the dangers of her family’s world at the young age of six when a rival family left her bleeding and scared on her birthday. Her uncle now dedicates his life to making sure she is not only protected but that Alessandra will never feel helpless again in their world. All the while, trying to keep her feeling like she is just a normal young girl. She has to be better than any man around her. She’s the Family future. Can she handle the family and all that it entails?
Let’s, watch Alessandra in Part One of My Life series as she trains to be the heir to the Canzano Family the way her Capo her father wants. A life that she must hide from even her closest friends and family.
My Tragic life Book 2: She is the Princess of the Canzano Family, a title many would think to be glamorous, amazing. Well, the glamorous part would be accurate, but that’s where it ends. She is miserable. She has been training since she was six years old to protect the Family… a side of her that she needs to keep hidden. She must always appear to be the perfectly polished Princess, a ruse and title she really despises.
She gets no choice in anything, everything is controlled for me by her father, the Capo who is a tyrant when it comes to Aless. She wishes and dreams for the freedom to be HERSELF. When a rival Family strikes causing her life to be turned upside down, she didn’t think things could get any worse and then she learns how wrong she is and now she is forced to become her worst nightmare in order to protect the Family she wants no part of.
Her life went from being bearable misery to nothing short of Tragic.
My Free like Book 3: Duty. Responsibility. Family. Three words that form the gilded cage she lived in all her life. But she wants to escape no be the princess she wants to be an ordinary woman…
Freedom. Something most of the people on this Earth enjoy and take for granted. Something she’s never had. Something she want more than anything.
When she left for University, she thought her life wouldn’t be quite so tragic…Ha! She is now the Capo Donna, in charge of the Family and its businesses located in Northern Italy. But her tyrant of a father/capo is in a power struggle and it comes to a head when some of my closest friends find themselves caught in a dangerous situation.
In order to save them, she needs switch flip, in side of her the one she hate’s, in order to be what they need her to be to save them. The monster her Papa insisted she become, the one he can no longer control. The assassin. The side of her fears she will destroy her soul if she can’t escape from the Family…
As friends and loved ones begin finding their Happily Ever After, she knows it’s time to escape. They’ll all be fine. They have their One and Only. It’s time for her to be Free… so she can find her One and only….
I highly recommend this book

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Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3) by C A King – Review by Mirela Ruiz

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3)Hitting The High Note by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3) by C A King is the third book in this wonderful series! I would give this book a five out of five stars. Uriel’s story is captivating that keeps you hooked until the end. I love Uriel’s cowboy spirit, he is my favorite so far. I love Bekka’s love for music, her personality made the story so much better. Her draw to the supernatural is so relateable.

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Hitting the High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel) by C.A. King – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Hitting The High Note (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 3)Hitting The High Note by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hitting the High Note by C.A. King
Four Stars

Hitting the High Note is the third book in The Four Horseman series by C.A. King. This series must be read in order to really understand the concept. This is my new favorite book by C.A. King. This is Uriel and Bekka’s story. This series is a wonderful portrayal of good versus evil. This book is full of action and adventure. I look forward to reading the fourth installment of this series.
Review by @sunbarn

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My Life Series: Prequel to The Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone – Review by Maura Harper

My Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of CamelotMy Life Series: Box Set: Prequel to Brothers of Camelot by Necie Navone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I originally read these stories individually and I love that they are now a box set. To be able to read from beginning to end is a pleasure.

This is actually a prequel to a series and stands on its own. There is a super strong story line with all of the important components for a good book. It has action, great dialogue, angst, humor and so much more.

I absolutely recommend this series.

Review By @mauraharper

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Devil’s Dilemma: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Tracy Manderson

Devil's Dilemma (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4)Devil’s Dilemma by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Devil’s Dilemma (Satan’s Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4) by Manda Mellett

5 out of 5 stars

I really enjoyed Devil’s Dilemma book 4 in the Colorado chapter of Satan’s Devils Mc written by Ms. Mellett. The characters are strong and well written, and the plot was great it had me reading this book in one sitting. I also love how each book has a different storyline that’s unique on their own. There are a few twists and turns that I’m sure you will like I know I did…

This story started when Melissa meets a younger man named Skull in a bar. She fought his advances until she caved, and he dragged her into his world, and she found that she liked it. Loved the family vibe, how everyone would gather around to protect what was theirs.
Then one day he just disappears off the face of the earth. He’d pulled her in claimed her and, now he’s gone. The only explanation for him not coming back is that he’s dead.
Pyro thought Melissa was hot and perfect for him, but another brother claimed her, and a brother doesn’t mess with a brother’s woman. He steps up when she needs someone beside her. Held her when she needed a friend. That his brother was dead was something he’d help her accept. And once she accepts his death Pyro will move in and claim her for his own, we all hope.
I just love this series and can’t wait to see what Ms. Mellett has in-stored for us.



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Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 3) by Ellen Butler – Review by Erica Fish

Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery, #3)Diamonds & Deception by Ellen Butler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Diamonds & Deception is the third book in the Karina Cardinal series by Ellen Butler. Let me just say Ellen Butler you know how to grab a reader and keep them engaged throughout the entire book. I would recommend reading the first two books so you will get to know Karina and become her book friend. Karina has a knack for getting into a tight spot. Being a mystery genre, I knew there were roller coaster rides but some of the twists and turns really dropped my jaw a couple of times. Will Karina be able to help the investigation? Will she be able to team up with her sister to solve this mystery or will she have to call in Mike to help her again? There are no hints here. You have to read the book to find out for yourself.

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Beneath the Fallen City (The Omni Towers Series Book 1) by Jamie A. Waters – Review by Erica Fish

Beneath the Fallen City (The Omni Towers, #1)Beneath the Fallen City by Jamie A. Waters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beneath the Fallen City is the first book inte Omni Towers series by Jamie A. Waters. This story contains some science-fiction, action, and romance all rolled up into this story. Waters has created a great plot line and fully developed characters.In this book we meet Kayla and read about her story. Kayla is on her own trying to find artifacts in the dangerous ruins. She takes her finds to get the critical life-saving supplies she needs. One thing about Kayla that you learn early on is that she hates traders. She finds herself in a little bit of a mess. Will Kayla be able to survive to keep getting those supplies she needs or will Kayla get into trouble way over her head? This is one story you will have to read for yourself.

I cannot wait to read book 2. Thank you Jamie A. Waters for a new series to read.

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Journeys Through SpaceTime (Journeys Through Book 1) by James Talisman – Review by Heidi Eich Woodring

Journeys Through SpaceTimeJourneys Through SpaceTime by James Talisman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Journey Through SpaceTime is the first book on the Journeys Through series and the first book by James Talisman. This story was so well written and instantly pulled me in till the end. I already cannot wait for book two. This book touched SciFi and multi worlds and universes. I literally could feel like I was right there in these worlds that the author created. The characters are well developed, and the plot one that really grabs at the readers.
You never could have guessed that this was the author’s first book. His words, his story, his mind and imagination truly shine in this book. I can only see good things coming from him and beyond ready for book two and more in the future from the author. I highly recommend this 5 star read.

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Dark Feathers by Natalina Reis – Review by Sarah Oakes

Dark FeathersDark Feathers by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great read about darkness. Phoenix is a dark angel. One night when collecting a soul, a woman sees him and speaks to him, things which have never happened before. His boss Asmodeus thinks it is a threat and orders Phoenix to follow her. Phoenix accidently ends up being her roommate and discovers new experiences and finds himself. Can he sirll follow orders or is he something more than a minion?
A great read. Well developed plot with twists and turns that I just couldn’t put down. Well developed characters like Joan stubborn and sarcastic but caring underneath or Phoenix trying to find himself but also follow orders.
Great cast of supporting characters like the bubbly brother Caleb or the loving Sky. A great villain in Asomedeus cold and cruel and manipulative done just right.
I loved the visual detial throughout the novel like the the bay with its blue waters and clear sky with the boats and seagulls for a sense of calm for both Phoenix and the reader, beautifully written. Or with the coolies with their tastes and smells sosl vivid its as if you’re actually there as you experience new things with Phoenix, wonderfully written.
A great example of world building with fantatsical beings living alongside humanity with their own rules and laws and societies. I loved the idea of the dark angels, with evil creatures not being demons for a change was fresh and exciting. Phoenix’s journey of finding himself and his insecurities was relatable and emotive. The switch of perspectives worked well to display both sides of the story and was easy to follow with names in chapter titles. Fast paced action and high stakes in a fantasy story made for a captivating read. Overall a great read and I would give it five stars.

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Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 3) by Ellen Butler – Review by Kerry Baker

Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery, #3)Diamonds & Deception by Ellen Butler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Diamonds and Deception by Ellen Butler is the third book in the Karina Cardinal Mystery Series. This is a series that is fast paced and full of twists and turns.
You don’t necessarily have to have read these books in order although personally I think you will miss out on a lot of cha after and background development if you don’t.
As usual this book was engaging and interesting. I found myself trying to figure it out as we went along. I find it really easily to slip straight back into these characters, even if it has been a while since I read the last book. Ellen Butler really does know how to create an intriguing story with great characters. You should definitely give this series a go!

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Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 3) by Ellen Butler – Review by Liz Vrchota

Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery, #3)Diamonds & Deception by Ellen Butler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ellen Butler’s Karina Cardinal Mystery series continues with Diamonds & Deception. Being book number three in the series you would think that you would know what to expect as far as storyline goes but Ellen Butler manages to keep things fresh, adventurous, and always exciting. I never for one moment find myself bored whenever I am absorbed in a Karina mystery.

I would highly recommend that you start with book one, Isabella’s Painting, if you haven’t done so prior to reading this one. The story and the mystery may be different with each book but the characters develop and often repeat. Their side stories keep things multidimensional and to fully enjoy it you will want the full picture.

Diamonds & Deception boasts a sneaky and complicated tale of mistaken identity and blows up into so much more. This has something for everyone in it from romance to mystery and doesn’t let up till the very last page where there is promise of more excitement to come in future books. I can’t wait to see what will come next for Karina and her sleuthing gang!

Review by @lizaileen
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The Men of Holmby Hills: Chase (The Holmby Hills Series Book 1) by Allyson Simonian – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

The Men of Holmby Hills: ChaseThe Men of Holmby Hills: Chase by Allyson Simonian
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Men of Holmby Hills: Chase (The Holmby Hills Series Book 1) by Allyson Simonian


The Men of Holmby Hills: Chase (The Holmby Hills Series Book 1) by Allyson Simonian was a light and fun romance. The story easily pulls the reader in with the introduction of Chase the movie star and Carrie the teacher from Texas working in wardrobe for the summer. The two had great chemistry and it was fun to see how quickly things escalated between the two. The storyline was easy to follow and seemed to easily flow from page to page. The characters were fun and several were witty. I found myself laughing out loud at several times. This book is the first book of this series and the first book I have read by this author. I am curious to see what this series has in store next.

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Imprisoned Online: Gaming the System (A LitRPG Adventure Book 1) by P.A. Wikoff – Review by Erin Wolf

Gaming the System (Imprisoned Online, #1)Gaming the System by P.A. Wikoff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I give Imprisoned Online_ Gaming the System (A LitRPG Adventure Book 1) by P.A. Wikoff, 4 stars.

Seph lives in a world where virtual reality is the new reality. No one goes outside, preferring to stay plugged in. Why do things the hard way when it’s so easy to do it virtually? But Seph does not believe in this. He yearns for a time way before his lifetime where AI did not rule. One day, he is out doing things his way when everything goes horribly wrong. He is arrested, sentenced and imprisoned for much longer than he thinks he should be. The only way he can earn enough to pay his fine and to make the three years go faster is to plug into a game — something he has refused to do before. But the more he plays, the more he realizes there is so much more than what he ever expected. Will he be able to learn and become good enough? Will this possibly change the way he looks at life?

This is the second LitRPG book I have read and I quite enjoyed it. I liked how the author gave us a choice of starting the beginning to learn the back story, or jump ahead right into things in a further chapter. Seph is a great main character, refusing to just go along with what everyone else does. There are many who can relate to this. But he is also humble enough to quickly realize that he may not know everything when it comes to gaming. The story is fun and feels exactly like what it should be — a video game in book format.

If you are a fan of LitRPG, you will quite enjoy this book. If this genre is new to you but you enjoy video games, I recommend you read this and see what you think.

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Sugar and Spice (Spicetopia #1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Sarah Oakes

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia Book 1)Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great read about business. Cyrus Sweet is the youngest son of Carden Sweet, owner of the kids theme park called Sweetopia. To force him to pull his waight in the company, Cyrus is made to go undercover. He is meant to find out about an employee uprising. But instead he finds more to the story and has his eyes opened. Can he choose between what he wants and what his family wants?
A great read. Well developed plot with twists and turns that I just couldn’t put down. Well developed characters like Cyrus arrogant but finding his feet and caring underneath or Jolie as independent but vulnerable underneath. Great cast of supporting characters like the manipulative Carden or a good friend Colleen.
I loved the visual detail throughout the novel like with the theme park with the silver castle or the jewelled throne of The Red Velvet Queen for a sense of awe and magic, wonderfully written. Or the bold sense of colour with the bright pinks and deep reds and colourful arch so vivid it’s as if you’re actually there.
The switch of perspectives worked well to display both sides of the story and was easy to follow with names in chapter titles.I also liked the mystery with the employee upprising, with small details revealed slowly to make you keep reader. The only issue I would raise is that there was some repetition with Cyrus wanting his money which could have been reduced. Overall, a great read and I would give it five stars.

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Devil’s Dilemma: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Shannon Fowler

Devil's Dilemma (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4)Devil’s Dilemma by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Skull, Melissa, Pyro…this seems like it could be one type of story but it turns out to be something else entirely! Some people, in real life and in stories are in love with the IDEA of being in love. I get that feeling a little in the book. But then there’s the “fate worse than death” part. You can’t imagine what could possibly be worse…until you either live it or you read it. Mellett hits it pretty head on.

Skull is the character that we were introduced in book 1as a prospect for the club. He earns his patch and becomes an official member. Pyro is a member who has been in the club for many years. Melissa is Skull’s ol’ lady. She is nervous and describes herself as boring and unadventurous. Being with and around the club members changes Melissa.

I loved this story. The unknown made me keep turning the pages while holding my breath! The characters made me keep turning the pages while hoping for the best. The ending had me jumping up and down and wanting to high five the characters. It also has me wanting the next book because EVERYONE has a story!

I recommend this story if it is read in order. I also would be interested in reading other works by this author.

Reviewed by @shannonlovesbooks
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Dark Feathers by Natalina Reis – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Dark FeathersDark Feathers by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Dark Feathers by Natalina Reis is a wonderfully written fantasy /romance suspense that once I started reading I couldn’t put it down. I had to know what was going to happen next. I love this Author and she is quickly becoming my favorite . Phoenix and Joan, he’s a Dark Angel who has been sent on a mission but he didn’t expect to fall for the woman whom he’s watching. She is looking for a roommate but didn’t expect to find him. These two fall for each, but the question is Will Phoenix be able to protect her when the Dark Lord comes? Find out what happens next in this must read. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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To Kill a Fae (The Dragon Portal Book 1) by Jamie A. Waters – Review by Kerry Carr

To Kill a Fae (The Dragon Portal Series, #1)To Kill a Fae by Jamie A. Waters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an great mystical adventure following the story of Sabine.

Sabine escaped her old life 10 years ago but the people are still hunting her. When a meeting with a dangerous Captain Malek who seems to be more than human, Sabine tries to keep her distance.

The proves impossible when she is tasked to help him steal a rare artifact. Sabine is the only person with the power to take down the magical barriers which protect it. However by using her magic she risked exposing herself.

Who can she trust and who is she in danger from? Can she stay save and pay off her life debt?

Its an adventure from the first page

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Goddess of the Wild Thing by Paul DeBlassie III

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Goddess of the Wild Thing by Paul DeBlassie III


#iartg #asmsg #bookboost #GoddessoftheWildThing

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Metaphysical horror

Page Count – 200 pages

Publishing Company – Hallowed Realms Press

Goodreads –

Winner of the Independent Press Award and the NYC Big Book Award, Goddess of the Wild Thing is a dramatic tale of one woman’s spiritual journey where magical happenings, unexpected turns of fate, and unseen forces impact her ability to love and be loved. Eve Sanchez, a scholar of esoteric studies, is driven into unreal dimensions of horror and hope as she encounters a seductive and frightening man, criminal lawyer Sam Shear.

Sam introduces Eve to a supernatural world in which the wicked powers of a surrogate mother’s twisted affection threaten love and life. Struggling to sort through right from wrong, frightened yet determined, Eve nears despair.

In the mystic realm of Aztlan del Sur, a mythopoeic land of hidden horrors and guiding spirits, Eve, with three friends and a wise old woman, is caught in an age-old struggle about love—whether bad love is better than no love— and discovers that love is a wild thing.


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Paul DeBlassie III is a depth psychologist and award-winning writer living in his native New Mexico. He specializes in treating individuals in emotional and spiritual crisis. His novels, metaphysical thrillers, delve deep into archetypal realities as they play out dramatically in the lives of everyday people. Memberships include the Author’s Guild, Visionary Fiction Alliance, the International Relational Psychoanalytic Association, and the International Association for Jungian Studies.





Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Katie Kearney

Evil SushiEvil Sushi by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evil Sushi by C. A. King. To say this book was way outside outside my comfort zone would be an understatement but I’m so glad I opened my mind to give it a try. This author just knows how to create an interesting story world that keeps readers coming back for more. The storyline is just well thought out and paced nicely with characters you want more of. It’s a mind bending storyline and definitely had me saying “what the heck” more than once in a good way. I like a story that keeps me on my toes and this author sure knows how to do that. If you’re looking for something a bit different and unique I highly recommend this story. I’m giving this story a four star review! Can’t wait to see where the author takes readers next.

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Devil’s Dilemma: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter #4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Devil's Dilemma (Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4)Devil’s Dilemma by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was awesome! I’ve read every book in this series so far and they just keep getting better and better. This author has a way of making me feel like I am right in the middle of the story and I gobbled the story up as fast as I could. The characters are great and I found myself rooting for them and I wanted them to have their happily ever after. If you’re looking for an MC romance with alot of action this book is a perfect pick! I am looking forward to reading more by this author!
Happy Reading!

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Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia #1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Michelle Austin

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia #1)Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sugar & Spice was a great 5 star read.
Once I started I couldn’t put it down, I was pulled right in.

Jolie is a single mom who works as the Red Velvet Queen at Sweetopia and Cy who is known as the black sheep bad boy in his family works in the Cotton Candy Castle bakery.

Cy has been sent to work undercover by his family. When he sees Jolie he was instantly pulled in by her, you could feel the sparks coming off the pages. Jolie is a very hard worker, with two jobs to support her family. When she finds out who Cy is will everything change? What will happen if her secrets come out?

Overall I really enjoyed this book. I really got the undercover boss vibe in this read, which I really enjoyed. All of the characters added a great element to the story and I can’t wait to read more from this series to see what’s coming next. Phoebe Alexander has done a great job once again. 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Imprisoned Online: Gaming the System (A LitRPG Adventure Book 1) by P.A. Wikoff – Review by Mirela Ruiz

Gaming the System (Imprisoned Online, #1)Gaming the System by P.A. Wikoff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Imprisoned Online: Gaming the System (A LitRPG Adventure Book 1) by P.A. Wikoff was an out of this world read. I enjoyed the world and the ode to the digital hit me deep. I would give this book a four out of five. As a gamer I enjoyed the details and felt the story resonated. I would never want to be sent to this prison. Seph’s nostalgia was relatable and I loved reading his point of view. It was a completely new read for me.

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