Forbidden Wolf (The Shadow Chronicles Book 1) by CR Robertson – Review by Megan Watson

Forbidden WolfForbidden Wolf by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book had me at first bite! I will admit that there was a moment I was so engrossed in the story, my partner touched my shoulder and I jumped so I high I almost threw my kindle. 😳 I also stayed up waaayy later than I should have to finish it, but that’s typical with a good read.
Vampires and lycans have been at war for centuries. So long that most cannot even remember why they’re enemies anymore. Each species has grown up on horror stories of the other and to fraternize with each other is a death sentence. Tasha is a vampire that is quite the loaner. She is one of those girls that you automatically notice and know are special, but they can’t see it in themselves. She’s also reckless and adventurous which is what leads us to meet Levi the lycan.
Levi … Ugh! I love me a dominant character!! As most wolves must be, he is a wild and dominant character – only a little moreso as he is a black wolf; and that only grows as the story progresses.
I’m definitely going to immediately dive into the next book as I am not ready for this story to end yet.

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