Wildcat: A Steamy Firefighter Romance by Carina Alyce – Review by Sarah King

Wildcat: A Steamy Firefighter RomanceWildcat: A Steamy Firefighter Romance by alyce
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Leslie McClunis just wanted a one night stand, Trevor Hampton, caught off guard decides to go along for the ride. The next morning Trevor realizes he wants more than just that one night but Leslie is no where to be found. A letter and a little snooping later Trevor is heading to Firehouse 15 hoping to see her. When he arrives, it does not go unnoticed. Turns out Trevor is the Pro home teams star defensive end. But Leslie was not the only one in for a surprise. Trevor thought Leslie was support staff turns our she is a firefighter. Both do not want the distraction the other will create yet they continuously find them selves pulled together. Will they get there happily ever after?

I felt the story was well written and it kept my interest through out. The characters keep you engaged and making it worth a read.

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