Wildcat: A Steamy Firefighter Romance by Carina Alyce – Review by Shea Gilkerson

Wildcat (MetroGen After Hours, #1)Wildcat by Carina Alyce
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I haven’t read anything by this author previously, but after reading the synopsis it sounded like a quick, hot read. It really was, but I was pleasantly surprised by the story I became drawn into. While the timeframe is set in the 90s, the ideas presented of women in a “manly” job, interracial relationships, one night stands can still be considered very modern.

Leslie is a badass firefighter, putting up with being treated as though she is out of place, interested in a hot guy she just wants a quick fling with – to relieve a little stress. Trevor is on board and they have a hot night together – but both can’t stop thinking ofthe other. There are a lot of things that seem like they might not be able to tied together, but I really enjoyed this book. It was definitely a hot quick read, but not because there wasn’t a lot of story to get engrossed in. Looking forward to getting into more of this series.

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