Power Play (Astoria Bay Thunder Book 1) by CJ Cartwright – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Power Play (Astoria Bay Thunder #1)Power Play by C.J. Cartwright
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was such a great read. I absolutely loved Brynn and Levi’s book. They dated as teens but, then of course they broke up and neither one ever forgot eachother. Now Brynn is here after a divorce, struggling to pay her bills and she ends up being hired to photograph a little brat’s birthday party but, the thing she doesn’t realize is, being at this party and meeting one person in particular is about to change her life in more ways then she could ever imagine.
This book was definitely a 5+ star read for me. I loved the characters and the way everything happened. Such a great read! Looking forward to more by this amazing author.

Review by @xchellex

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