The True Garza (Red Cage Book 3) by S. Ann Cole – Review by Michelle Mulvey

The True Garza (Red Cage, #3)The True Garza by S. Ann Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow is all I can say about this book. I absolutely loved it from beginning to end. There were parts of the book where I wanted to punch True in the throat but, he definitely redeemed himself until I wanted to do it again lol. The 2 main characters met one night at a bar while London was away from everyone drowning her sorrows. They spent 1 week together burning up the sheets and then they went their separate ways. Now London ( Lonny ) is back and ready to get to work a year later. Her family is strange. Her Uncle and Mom did some pretty shady stuff and Lonny will not forgive her mom. Her Uncle however is someone she must work with so she has to get along with him to a point. Once Lonny is back she thinks she sees True at a liquor store but he acts like he doesn’t know or remember her. It has been a year but she thought he would remember the hottest week they shared. She finds out later that the man she was wasn’t True. It was his twin brother!! She gets a job with the twins as her bosses but she doesn’t follow orders well. True keeps her close….closer then he should. He still has feelings for her but refuses to admit it and basically uses her and then pushes her away. After reading how good this book was I wish I had read the others but now that I know what happens and who ends up together it is pointless.
This really is a great book and I’ll be looking for new reads from this author in the future!

review by @xchellex

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