Defying Ella (True Platinum Series Book 4) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Rosanna Ingram

Defying EllaDefying Ella by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ella has just spent time on tour with a guy who she had a brief fling with (and who seems to love making her life miserable), and she is looking forward to a couple of weeks in a cabin with all her best girlfriends. After going up early, she is shocked when said pain-in-the-butt rockstar arrives…along with a snowstorm that traps them in. In the days that follow…Jaren and Ella go from wanting to kill each other, to calling a truce, to opening up and being honest, to sharing time between the sheets. Jared learns about the way Ella truly feels about herself and her place in the world…while Ella learns about the mask Jared wears daily. However, when the snow is cleared and they can return home, will their truce and feelings last? Or was it just a way for Jared to pass the time? What happens when lines become blurred and lies feel like truths?

I enjoyed reading this book. The way Ella feels about trying to find her place and purpose, and Jareds anxiety and need to hide who he really is and how he really feels, felt real coming off the pages. These are situations and feelings that people have to deal with…and it was discussed openly and honestly. The storyline was good and kept me engaged from beginning to end.

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