Hard Lover (Houston After Dark Book 2) by Deborah Garland – Review by Mercedes Jones

Hard Lover (Houston After Dark #2)Hard Lover by Deborah Garland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Callie Rose is a college student who has it all together. The only thing missing is, the one man she wants. Noah Archer, retired army man, and now working for his best friend’s private security company. When Callie goes out with friends and end up in a club where secrets and sins are the main attraction, she sees the man she’s been pining after for over six years. After that fateful night, Callie and Noah can’t stay apart. Noah has a secret though, one that prevents him from being with Callie in the way he wants to be. Will Noah solve his problems from his past and finally be with Callie or will his secrets bite him in the rear?
OMG! This book is steamy! And the story was one that I enjoyed. This book was one that
I could read over and over. Now the only question is, how do you find a man like Noah?!

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