Stumble & Fall (A Legacy of Silence Book 2) by Amy Rivers – Review by katie stapleton

Stumble & Fall (A Legacy of Silence, #2)Stumble & Fall by Amy Rivers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I didn’t realize this was part of a series, but it read well as a standalone. It was a very intense novel dealing with a heavy topic. There is a TW for rape and sexual assault, so heed that before you start reading. That said, this is a very important topic to read stories about. The details are stunning and you can really feel the anxiety and despair come off the page. The main characters, Kate and Tilly, have been through more than their fair share of trauma and loss, yet are still able to help each other navigate the hard times. I also like that the series tackles abuse from people in positions of power. I know that many victims have a hard time coming forward about abuse and more still are either not believed or not taken seriously. There are perpetrators at all levels and it is good to read a very realistic depiction.

I lived in Cruces when I was younger, so I know a lot of the references to southern New Mexico. I felt like I was there while reading the book, particularly in the details of Kate’s gated haven. It felt a little nostalgic and definitely had some heart racing moments throughout the book. I will be on the lookout for the next book in the series!

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