We Blend (Falling for the Rockstar’s Daughter Book 1) by Willa Drew – Review by Rosanna Ingram

WE Blend (Falling for the Rockstar's Daughter Book 1)WE Blend by Willa Drew
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Melodie is the daughter of an opera singer and the step-daughter of a famous rockstar…so saying music is a part of her life is putting it mildly. She has dreams of being a singer, but her parents want her behind the scenes because being famous means no privacy. Her past is proof of that. However, she will find a way to make her dream come true…even if she has to do it in secret…as El.

Wil is in America for a film program…but he is determined to meet his father face-to-face while he is here. One night, at a bar, he helps a woman out as she is trying to get her foot in the door as a singer. He immediately recognizes her, but promises to keep it secret for a price. What follows the building of a beautiful professional relationship (and persona…even if they don’t quite see it yet).

Wil and El, as WE, make beautiful music that people are enjoying. Wil helps El make the music video that she knows will be the break she is looking for. However, when secrets start coming to light, will their days of working together be over? Will El be resigned to following the life her parents want? Will Wil lose the first person, other than family, that he has truly cared about?

I was drawn into this book by the story and enjoyed the ride I was taken on. El can come off as aloof and conceited, but her past (as it comes out) has shaped her in ways that make it all make sense. Wil is sweet and caring, but his secrets could be his downfall. The ending came quickly and has left me excited for what is to come in the next book. Overall, an enjoyable story.

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