Antipodes (Antipodes Book 1) by T.S. Simons – Review by Callie Luna

Antipodes (Antipodes, #1)Antipodes by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Antipodes is an amazing start to the series! The beginning gives you a sense of normality before the apparent problem of the water supply appears. It reminded me of COVID-19 when the first outbreak happened; I didn’t believe it would affect the United States, and I wasn’t worried about it until it hit close to home. In the beginning, Cam is the same way he doesn’t believe that it would be able to hit Australia. When the government sends out a text for testing, he ends up getting his ticket to an island to live in a safe new community with 300 strangers. It was an extremely challenging decision to leave his family and friends behind and there are many topics touched on including survivors’ guilt. I found the premise to be believable and the setup of the island detailed enough, including the issue of being completely self-sustaining. I was able to put myself in Cam’s shoes easily and it make me think about how I could potentially survive.

I didn’t think the book could get any better at this point but when his world turns upside down it changes everything. It sends him into an even greater adventure in this new post-apocalyptic world. The ending is amazing but felt a little rushed. The next book, The Liminal Space fills in all the missing details nicely.

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