Falling for You (Buckeye Falls Book 2) by Libby Kay – Review by Emily H

Falling for You (Buckeye Falls, #2)Falling for You by Libby Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

CeCe LaRue has her career in hand but is feeling anxious when she finds out her ex is coming to town for a cooking competition. Dealing with the potential nightmare she is intent to ignore Evan Lawson, her co-worker. Evan is sweet, attentive and not a line she wants to cross. CeCe has been burned badly before though and doesn’t want the heartache.

Evan has been slowly wooing CeCe even if she didn’t realize it. When he decides to put his cards on the table will she give him a chance or hide what she is feeling?

Second in the Buckeye Falls series. I really liked Evan, he has a family dynamic I was very surprised about. I really enjoyed this couple and seeing them go from friends to more. Definitely a series to keep your eyes on.

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