Lap Baby by Amy Q. Barker – Review by Kristan Anderson

Lap Baby: Emotional Women's FictionLap Baby: Emotional Women’s Fiction by Amy Q. Barker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lap Baby by Amy Barker was an emotion read. This is the first story that I have read by this author. I admit it did take me a few chapters to really get into the story but I am happy that I stuck with it. The story itself was loosely based on a true story. Experiencing the story from each perspective was enjoyable. It was easy to follow and see how they were intertwined even so many years later. I enjoyed seeing how it had changed each of their lives and how they were handling it through the years. Unfortunately many of the ways of handling the experience were quite negative. Julie fought so hard for change after following orders and losing lives. The story really resonated with me as I have two young kids so I was able to empathize with each of the characters differently.

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