Book Lovers by Emily Henry – Review by Colleen Noyes

Book LoversBook Lovers by Emily Henry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Lovers by Emily Henry was my first book by this author. I read it because it was part of our book club pick. First off, this book is multi-faceted with numerous characters and stories which I enjoyed a lot. I really love the way that they describe Sunshine Falls, North Carolina the author does a great job of vividly making you feel like you were right there. Nora is definitely not your normal type of heroine and Charlie is not the kind of “hero “that you typically find in these types of books. This story starts out with Nora‘s sister Libby begging her to go away for sister trip, and Nora is not necessarily excited that Libby is making her go on this trip with the sole purpose of finding, a storybook ending for Nora. All of the characters in the story are both realistic and adorable, and as you watch everything unravel, you find yourself in a very happy place within a giant “family”. I was pleased with all of the little golden nuggets throughout the story and that this does not have any Instalove. I think that you will find yourself glad you picked up this book.

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