Killer Smile by Allan Evans – Review by Brandy Rymer

Killer SmileKiller Smile by Allan Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The thrills are even better in this second book in the Killer Series, by Allan Evans. I thought that Killer Blondes was good, but this really excelled even beyond the great read the first book was. Not only is our Detective Cade Dawkins back but he’s got far more to handle on his plate than ever before. He successfully defeated the Blonde Killer in the first book in this series, and now he’s got to take on a group of serial killers who have all started working together online. They share ideas, tips, and even information as well as challenge each other, what a scary group to have to take on for our hero detective. Turns out two of these serial killers have decided to meet up and work together, giving Detective Dawkins, a lot more to manage in his city than he’d ever bargained for. Will he be able to take on this intimidating challenge or will the group be able to win their challenge and defeat the detective that was able to stop the Blonde Killer in their tracks? This is another amazing read by Allan Evans, you do not want to pass up this excellent book series, especially if you love reading psychological thrillers!
@Brandy Rymer

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