The Moon That Fell from Heaven (Empire at Twilight) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Kerry Carr

The Moon That Fell from HeavenThe Moon That Fell from Heaven by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book 5 in the Empire at Twilight series. I have to admit this author is one of my favourites of all time. I love the stories. I find myself completely captivated by these historical stories. The author’s attention to detail and research into the times and the historical happenings really gives this story dimension and makes the reader feel transported back to a different era. The attention that the author pays to the characters making them fit into the time period the story is set into just adds to the incredible world building that the author is able to accomplish.

This is a story full of twists and turns that keeps you hooked. With danger, intrigue and murder all playing a part as well as decit and political alliances going wrong This story has something for everyone.

Ehli-nikkalu is the daughter of the Hittite Emperor. She has considered herself not loved by her family and that is confirmed for her when she is married off to a man who doesn’t care for her either as part as a political alliance. Ehli-nikkalu is unhappy and wants to leave her husband so when she finds proof that her husband is plotting to go against her father and remove him from the Throne she knows she needs to stop this from happening. Can she get word to her father in time to stop her husbands planned attack? Will her family start to see her as a valued member of the family finally? And when the 2 people she entrusts to take the message to her father are found dead does she stand any chance at all of letting her father know before it too late? What danger is she putting herself in and what will be the consequences should her husband finds out she is planning to betray him.

As someone who loves history this author’s books definately speak to me and grip me from the beginning. The author is amazing at bringing the past into the future and allowing the reader an opportunity to experience life in a different time period than our own.

View all my reviews

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