Dumpster Dying (A Hazardous Hoarding Mystery Book 1) by Michelle Bennington – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Dumpster Dying (A Hazardous Hoarding Mystery Book 1)Dumpster Dying by Michelle Bennington
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Birdie Harper is a woman on a mission, she is on a mission to increase her collection of objects, so she goes to yard sales regularly with her finding treasures, or at least treasures to her, but her favourite thing is to go dumpster diving, she has her favourite stores and will go out in the middle of the night and find things she can use in projects, or to decorate her home. Unfortunately for Birdie, her sister Oda Dean doesn’t see her treasures the same way, she sees them as trash, rubbish which is becoming a possible health hazard and is always calling Birdie a hoarder, and this annoys Birdie to no end.

One night while she is diving, she finds something more than she bargained for, a dead body and it is someone Birdie was rather fond of, a young woman in the prime of her life. As Birdie relays all the information she can to the police, but also to her unfortunate husband, who just so happens to be a ghost, so he cannot offer any comfort, but can lend an ear and maybe even some help?

This discovery leads Birdie into an investigation of her own as she tries to find out what happened to her friend, she is also determined that Oda Dean and Walter are going to help her, but will she be able to find out who the culprit is before her dumpster diving days are over? This is a cozy mystery with ghostly aid which will keep you guessing as Birdie uncovers clues, information and danger while keeping up with her unusual hobbies.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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