Encounters With Old Coyote by Laura Koerber – Review by Jennifer Crain

Encounters with Old CoyoteEncounters with Old Coyote by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Encounters of Old Coyote by Laura Koerber is a unique and thought-provoking novel that explores the nature of life, death, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. The story follows Andrea, a skeptic who finds herself as a ghost in the desert after her death. Confused and seeking answers about the existence of God, Andrea encounters a supernatural being in the form of a coyote.

Koerber’s writing style is engaging and conversational, allowing readers to easily connect with the characters and their experiences. The dynamic between Andrea and Coyote is particularly captivating, as they engage in discussions about spirituality, existence, and the role of storytelling.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the book is the way it weaves together different stories and anecdotes. Andrea and Coyote share tales about mundane experiences, such as finding spiders in the bathroom or losing a bra at a truck stop, as well as more profound subjects like dark matter and the fifth force. These stories serve a dual purpose, not only entertaining readers but also conveying deeper messages about life’s mysteries and the human experience.

The novel also touches upon themes of interconnectedness and the ways in which seemingly unrelated events can be linked. Through Andrea’s encounters with Coyote, she begins to understand that everything is connected in some way, and that stories are an essential tool for humans to make sense of the world around them.

While the book explores weighty topics, it maintains a light and humorous tone throughout (loved the line about ghosts being mostly cows or horses or pigs that have “fucked up” lives- coyote doesn’t think happy animals would become ghosts!). I would recommend reading it!

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