The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book after reading The Ocean Meets the Sky and I am glad that I did. Not only did it help me to understand why Cal is the way that he is, but if I’d read this book first, I would have been way more biased against his character when he meets Annie. This was an amazing story about Cal’s life from a young teen boy to the 45-year-old man that we learn to love in The Ocean Meets the Sky. This book is definitely a must-read if you loved reading the prior series, because it gives you a peak into the life that Cal had lived, all of the love and loss that he endured throughout his life, and the treatment that he received to develop him into the person that he is. I loved reading this book and am glad that I read it in the order that I did, without this book I would always have been left wondering about what Cal’s past experiences had really had such a huge effect on him. Getting to read about them was such an eye-opener and really added a whole new depth to this book series. I am now a huge fan of this author’s work and am excited to see what else may have been written. This book is highly recommended by me, it is a true look into the life of a boy who becomes a man through all the trials life throws at him.
@Brandy Rymer

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