Carrie’s Flight (Grandma’s Closet) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Nicole Thompson

Carrie’s Flight” by Lois Wickstrom is a captivating tale that effortlessly intertwines the magic of familial love and the wonder of childhood imagination. When Carrie discovers a set of antique wings belonging to her Grandma, a whimsical journey begins to unfold. The four mysterious boxes Grandma left behind—Wandas, Fascinator, Dowse, and Feathers—become the keys to unraveling a deeper connection and understanding of life’s mysteries. Through Carrie’s determination and creativity, the story beautifully teaches about the transformative power of love and the enduring bonds that transcend the boundaries of life and death.

Wickstrom’s storytelling is both poignant and enchanting, with starlings playing a symbolic role that adds a touch of natural beauty and wonder to the narrative. “Carrie’s Flight” is a heartfelt exploration of the magical moments that exist in the ordinary, reminding readers of the extraordinary power of love that continues to soar beyond the physical realm. This five-star journey not only captures the essence of childhood innocence and familial ties but also delicately imparts profound lessons about life’s transitions, making it a truly enriching read for all ages.

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