Dead Lawyers Don’t Lie (Jake Wolfe Thrillers Book 1) by Mark Nolan – Review by Santana Hicks

Dead Lawyers Don't Lie (Jake Wolfe, #1)Dead Lawyers Don’t Lie by Mark Nolan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jake Wolfe is a photojournalist. When on a job to get some incriminating photos of a well known lawyer, Jake ends up witnessing and photographing the lawyers murder. Now he has a target on his back. Luckily as a war veteran, Jake has some training for situations such as this which will help him to survive. This starts a game of cat and mouse between Jake and the murderer.

The murderer is an assassin for hire named ‘The Artist’. He is good at his job and now some guy may take him down just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Going after Jake is personal and he will stop at nothing to take him down. At the same time, continuing his original job of killing wealthy lawyers. Jake can only evade the inevitable so many times right?

This book was alright as an introductory book to Jake’s character as this series will be about him but in my opinion, I felt like the book was too repetitive and predictable. I hated most of the characters, especially the women. I honestly felt like the author dislikes women and it showed in their writing. I especially hated the dog killing cop. She should not be a police officer for so many reasons. There were lots of plot twists and action but it was hard to fully immerse myself into the story. I am hoping that as the series progresses, it will flow more easily.

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