Mission Target (Jake Wolfe Thrillers Book 7) by Mark Nolan – Review by Santana Hicks

Mission Target (Jake Wolfe, # 7)Mission Target by Mark Nolan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 7th book in the Jake Wolfe series. I read the first book ‘Dead Lawyers Don’t Lie’ before I read this one and I was somewhat lost. In order to really know everyone, I would suggest reading all the books in order. I kind of thought that it could be stand alone which, I mean technically it could. The author writes in vivid detail so even though I clearly missed a lot throughout books 2-6, I was able to catch on after a bit of reading. The author’s writing came a long way from book 1 of the series. This book seemed to flow more easily and had a lot less filler. Plus the characters are written in more detail. I honestly did not like the way the author wrote female characters in the first book of the series but in this book, the females are written differently. Although they all seem to be eye candy, they have more personality traits written which makes a redemption of the author in my books.

Jake is a sought out Mr. Fix-it when it comes to taking out threats on the country. Him and his very smart dog, Cody, work together to do what has to be done to make the streets safe. This time there is a drug threat, wiping out a chunk of the population. Horse Tranquilizer mixed with fentanyl causing deadly overdoses all over. Jake is trying to stop the supplier from smuggling it into the States but the problem is finding out who the king pin is. Once again, himself and Cody are at the top of someones kill list.

On top of that, he finds a dead body of a woman who looks eerily similar to his girlfriend, Sarah. She starts receiving threats and Jake takes it upon himself to try to protect her while carrying out his very long to-do list. Everyone is in danger and it’s up to Jake to rescue them all, including himself.

With a lot of action, unpredictable twists and turns, and an adorable intelligent dog, you will not be able to put this book down.

View all my reviews

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