Lost Soul (War of Destiny Series Book 1) by Theresa Van Spankeren – Review by Ashley Phillips

Lost Soul (War of Destiny # 1)Lost Soul by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so good to start this series! I was completely engaged while reading it! With every chapter I was excited to keep reading. I love that there is clear depth to each character but the author does a great job at keeping your attention, and keeping everything connected between all of the very complex characters. I literally didn’t want to put the book down! I love when I read fantasy books but you can still really relate to their issues, even though the book is created in some far away place. I was so full of empathy for the main character from the very start of the book. I kept being excited to see what would happen next. She’s such a strong woman naturally, so it was empowering to read such a story about a string woman learning how to face her circumstances head on. I highly recommend this one!

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