Pursuit into Darkness (War of Destiny Series Book 2) by Theresa Van Spankeren – Review by Lucinda Morton-Phillips

Pursuit into Darkness (War of Destiny #2)Pursuit into Darkness by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 2nd book in the ‘War of Destiny’ series by Teresa Van Spankeren and takes place 70 years after the first book, in the late 16th century. You can read it as a stand-alone book, but you will get more understanding of the characters if you read the first book, Lost Souls.
Julia and Adam are living peacefully with the other members of the group (ka-tet) that form part of the Resistance in London. She is learning how to use her new abilities and fighting skills to take on the vampire Valentino when the time is right. Unfortunately, Valentino arrives in England, bringing matters to a head and forcing the hand of the Resistance, leading to tragedy.
Once again Julia suffers confusion when she hears a dark voice in her head and cannot trust what is real, concluding with her making decisions that will have far-reaching consequences.
The writing hits its stride in this book with the story flowing well for the most part. There is one section where the change seems to come out of nowhere, but makes sense for the story in the end.
The characters in the book are well-rounded and developed, with an emotional depth. I wonder how the group will be able to continue on, but I guess I will see in the next book.

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