Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light Series) by Nanette Littlestone – Review by Christie Mitchum

Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light, #2)Sweet Dreams by Claire by Nanette Littlestone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sweet Dreams by Claire by Nanette Littlestone is a sweet, charming romance that I enjoyed from the beginning until I finished the last page.

Claire has worked in her family’s bakery since she was a child, learning from her mother the joy of baking. Now, she has ideas and recipes of her own that she would like to try, but her mother has no interest in trying something new. She squelches any idea that Claire brings to her.

One day a chance encounter completely upends Claire’s life. She is told by her mother to take some desserts to the Cleary’s resort for a taste testing for an upcoming wedding. On her way, she literally collides with the bride’s brother, Finn. When she arrives, the desserts are ruined, but an opportunity presents itself. She is given permission from the chef to use his kitchen, and she uses this chance to make her own creation which is a HIT!!!

Her mundane life is now anything but that. She is embroiled in the bride, Brigid’s, wedding and forms a fast friendship with her. In addition, she finds herself in a possible relationship with Finn. He encourages her to go for her dreams and brings her out of her shell. However, an accident that happened many years ago may be standing in between this new relationship with Finn.

Not only is this a romance, but it’s a story about family, forgiveness, new opportunities, and dreams! Plus, it takes place in Ireland and involves baking…what could be any better than that!!!! If you are in the mood to read a sweet tale that leaves you with a warm feeling in your heart, you can’t beat this magical little book!

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