The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Betsy Melano

The Cannibal CaperThe Cannibal Caper by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series is fun to read. The author paints a picture of the world of 1930’s era Los Angeles, where Sparky lives and finds ways to keep herself out of trouble. There are many things that could come up but Sparky doesn’t give up. It can’t be safe as an 11year old Orphan but Sparky makes due. She really has a personality that you can connect with. Sparks’s main goal in this book is to help her friends and benefactor keep away from the Cannibal who is attacking people. Like the first book, I felt like I transported to Los Angeles and learned a bit about the area and time. Thank you for keeping this story going, I really enjoy Sparks’s character.

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