A Miracle In Muffin: A True Story by Darlene Duemo – Review by Tausha Treadway

A Miracle In Muffin: A True StoryA Miracle In Muffin: A True Story by Darlene Duemo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Miracle In Muffin: A True Story by Darlene Duemo. This is a lovely true story about a woman and her missing cat. During the search she finds her faith in God answers her prayer and she finds Muffin. This is a very Christian faith based book for kids around the ages of 6-18. I really enjoyed it and I read it to my 5 year old nephew and he enjoyed it. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is as well. Being a Christian I could relate to this book in all the ways but if someone is not I could see how they wouldn’t connect. I think its a important book for kids if their families practice the Christian faith.

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