CUTTER (Devils’ Spawn Daddies Series) by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Shea Gilkerson 2/13/24

Cutter: Devils' Spawn DaddiesCutter: Devils’ Spawn Daddies by Victoria Saccenti
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cutter is a protector in his MC and has the rap sheet to prove it. He’s used to being on the lookout for cops and to being the one the cops choose as their patsy. However, when he runs into an attack while on club business, he can’t bring himself to run when he has the opportunity to keep someone from being alone in their last moments. As expected, the cops suspect he and his club brothers are the reason for the carnage. It feels a lot like a bad case of deja vu, considering last time these cops arrested him he ended up in jail, regardless of his innocence. The only pro to the entire situation is that the rookie cop at the time, Emily Mayhew, has given him years worth of fantasies in his DD life.

Emily has since made detective, and while she plays coy, Cutter and the delicious temptation he offered was never far from her mind. Secretly, she knew Cutter was dominant and wanted to bask in it but her past experiences made her afraid to share her desires. Regardless of her personal fantasies, Cutter was the perfect person for the case she is trying to break wide open. Will he take her up on her offer of partnership to bring the new MC down, or will it become more than that?

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