Kingdom of the Oceans by Martin Ferguson – Review by Kat Mellon

Kingdom of the OceansKingdom of the Oceans by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kingdom of the Oceans completes this part of the series, and was amazing! There might be more that is added onto this series, and it sets up like there might be, but it also neatly wraps up most everything from the series thus far, so no major cliff hangers. The fate of the British museum is still uncertain, as well as how things will play out when Duncan finds out the truth of his mother, and I’m looking forward to the next books to cover those.

The multiple POV continues with present day British Museum staff and past legends of Atlantis. I loved the fictional storyline of Atlantis and the meeting of past and present worlds. Overall a wonderful series and great for young teens to adults.

View all my reviews

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