Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs Series) by Landra Graf – Review by Hannah Porter

Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs, #4)Drag Me Down by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Drag Me Down is part of the Full Throttle Cyborgs Series, the fourth book to be exact . This is not my first time picking up a book from author Landra Graf. having read her other series( Space Force Rejects Series, if you haven’t checked it out i highly recommend reading!) I just knew I had to give this series a go and I’m so glad I did. I definitely have to go back and read the first three previous books, and I can’t wait. This author always comes up with the best creative worlds and intriguing plot lines. Like living on mars, racing cars etc. lol brilliant idea. This one follows Dakota ‘Drag’ Michelson and Bridget MacIntosh through some crazy twists and turns and trying to come back from betrayal( if they can) 🙂 I look forward to reading more from this author!

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