Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow Series) by Heather Schneider – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow #2)Finding Cheer by Heather Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another enjoyable and engaging sweet fantasy romance set in the magical small town of Emerald Hollow, which kept me happily turning the pages. Holly Claus, the main character from the previous book is now permanently living in Emerald Hollow. The small town is experiencing unusual occurrences, including tulip super blooms and an influx of people visiting the magical festivals held there. When a man shows up during a snowstorm with amnesia local Sofia Reyes is skeptical of his story and his lack of past memories. Sofia offers to help him discover his identity, however the more time they spend together the less she can ignore her attraction to him. Their relationship develops as they get to know one another better following trips to the library and to the epic tulip festival. Sofia also feels a magical pull towards him which he also feels, but she’s worried about risking her heart on someone whose past is a mystery to them both. Meanwhile, Holly is about to uncover some magical secrets which are decades old and which will affect the human residents of the town. Once again the magical town and its residents are brought vividly to life through the wonderful narrative and imaginative world building. I felt fully immersed in Emerald Hollow and enjoyed ‘catching up’ with Holly and Ash, but also loved the main characters of this story, Sofia and love interest Isaiah. I like the multiple POV’s and the magical realism which is sprinkled through the story. I look forward to returning to Magical Emerald Hollow soon!

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