Loris Opens Up His Heart (Courage Tales Series) by Dagmara Sitek – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris

Loris Opens Up His Heart: An Emotional Story For Kids (Courage Tales)Loris Opens Up His Heart: An Emotional Story For Kids by Dagmara Sitek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As someone who works in the mental health field and works with youth who are often moving into different placements such as foster care placement, I found this book to be a really great resource to read with children. The author does a great job of making a tough subject relatable for youth and even adults, to give them an idea about what a youth is going through. I found the story to be trauma-informed as the author shows how hard it can be for Loris to be able to trust that he is safe with his current family. His new foster siblings Cam and Inaya are very sweet in their attempts to work with him and show him love. This is a wonderful story and the illustrations were very enjoyable.

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