Amese of Animalis (The Borosa Legacy Book 1) by MJ Murray – Review by Darian Vester

Amese of Animalis (Borosa Legacy, #1)Amese of Animalis by M.J. Murray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love the dedication in the book: To anyone who doesn’t have life all figured out. Neither do I. Let’s enjoy the journey anyway.”
This is such a great story for kids ages 10 and up, (even adults). Amese is 13 and I like that her personality showed her young but also mature when she needed to. I love that there is different magic in this story, we get to meet some other characters who are with earth, water, and air. Amese’s village is all about connecting with animals. I liked the lessons Amese has received with each animal, and I love that they have helped her start to find herself. It’s also pretty cool that she gets a marking of the animal (like a tattoo) after the lesson. Overall I feel if you love fantasy or want to introduce your kids into fantasy this is a great book to read. I can’t wait for the next book in the series.

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