Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow Series) by Heather Schneider – Review by Krista Moulthrop

Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow #2)Finding Cheer by Heather Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book not realizing it was the second in a series. While it was still good as a stand alone, I will definitely be going back to read the first one just to get Holly’s story and see things from the elf’s side.
Sophie discovers Isaiah unconscious one day while she is out for a hike. It is quickly determined that he has lost all memories of who he is or where he came from. The two set off to try and recover his memories but as time goes on they come up with nothing. Eventually Holly is the one who figures it out and helps him regain his memories, but will he stick around in Emerald Hollow once he knows the truth? There were so many connections throughout this book that really kept me reading. I also loved the banter between the characters. This was a no spice, sweet romance/mystery that will have you really believing in magic. There was even a sweet surprise toward the end, and a little bit of a cliffhanger in the epilogue pointing to a hope of a third book. I hope to see more books in this series.

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