Ghost Talker by Byrd Nash – Review by Stephanie Tellas

“Witty and clever, Elinor uses her mediumship skills to hunt for her father’s killer. So when a body in the canal brings her to the morgue, she’s happy to help until Tristan Fontaine, the Duke de Archambeau, takes over the case and places her under house arrest. Between possessions and poltergeists, she’ll solve the case even if it means putting the duke in his place. Actually, that part of the investigation may be a pleasure! Welcome to Alenbonné, a coastal city with picturesque promenades along the canals and where the ghosts never sleep. A country where spirits and murder are just a breath away.
The first of a six-part Gaslamp fantasy ghost mystery series featuring a strong-minded female Sherlock Holmes-like character in a slow burn romance.” Definitely slow burn romance, otherwise great story , great characters, if you like reading ghosts stories this would be the book for you. This is the first book in the series. I am not sure if could read them as a stand alone, would be great question for the author. Looking forward to reading the next one in the series. I give this book 4 stars .

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