The Winemakers Box Set (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Crystal Brehant

The Winemakers - Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical RomancesThe Winemakers – Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical Romances by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These are three historical romance stories based in Portugal. I enjoyed reading about Portugal and these characters set in the 1800’s.
The first story follows Julia who is trying to keep her vineyard going after her husband passes away. In this era, winemaking is really only done by men. She must face many obstacles, including a very large one, to prove she can do it as a woman. She meets Griffin, who she instantly connects with. He is there to check on his own vineyard, but ends up helping Julia in several different ways.
The second story I was hesitant to like, simply because Pedro was not a likeable character in the first story. However, this follows his life, his background and why he is the way he is. It is Pedro’s redemption story. He ends up meeting Anne, who he finds out is the sister of a man he hates. Despite this, they are drawn together and you see a lot about hate and revenge as well as romance in this story.
The third story deals with different characters and a whole different story. I enjoyed the first two stories more than the third, but still liked it. Isabel is a princess who is sent to deal with political issues in Spain. She is given an escort, much to her dismay. He drives her absolutely insane, and are nothing alike. Yet, there is something brewing beneath the surface.

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