Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Deborah Joseph

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Will You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth is part of the Swan Cove trilogy but can be read as a stand-alone.

Enemies to lovers
Fake bf
Secret identities
Oh my!

Kaia is a big pop star. For 10 years she has worked hard to gain the success she has, and also thanks her fans for it too. But then she decides she wants a career change and is going back to her legal name, Abigail Dilwort, to become a teacher in a small town.

Everett Reynolds is the VP, and AP chemistry teacher, at the school Abigail contracts to work at. But just like Abigail, he has secrets as well and secretly works for the state, not wanting anyone to know.

While on hiatus from being a pop star, something happens that puts Kaia’s reputation at risk. To try and fix it she asks Everett to fake marry her.

Not going to lie… this book feels like an adult version of Hannah Montana. If you enjoyed the show then you will enjoy this book. There is more drama, of course, but there is humor, romance, and life lessons.

View all my reviews

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