The Crown of Stones: Magic-Price ( The Crown of Stones Book 1) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Jules Herbert

Magic-Price (The Crown of Stones, #1)Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book in this series by this truly talented author and I am telling you now I can’t wait for more. I was completely hooked from start to finish! I don’t want to go into too much detail about storyline as I don’t want to give too much away so I will just say that it is such an intricately woven and creative storyline, so packed full of action that you will not be able to resist turning page after page! I felt so fully immersed in this world. I truly could imagine everything that was happening and envision it so clearly thanks to the fantastic writing of this author. I can’t explain how or why it happened so quickly but Ian weaved his way into my heart right from the start and I know he will stay there for a very long time which is definitely not something I expected when starting a Fantasy series! If magic, adventure, intense drama and suspense are your thing then this series is for you!

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Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8 ) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Candida Hopper

Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8)Breach of Trust by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great book in this already great series. I have loved the Madeline Dawkins series since the beginning and every book I read is just as good as the last. This author knows how to keep me entertained and on the edge of my seat. This book can be read as a standalone without any issues but I recommend reading the rest of them because they are excellent stories. Once I started reading this book I couldn’t put it down until I got to the end. There are multiple cases being worked on by Madeline and her team and each one comes with its own problems and emotions. This story is full of danger, drama, suspense and so much more. I highly recommend this book, you will not be disappointed.

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones Book 2) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Audrie Harrington

Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones, #2)Magic-Scars by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The world building in the second book was just as good as the first! The places the characters go are so well thought out and described, I feel like I was right there with the characters. The castles, the prison, the ancient cities are all vividly written. I like that this book is told in the first person so you really get to know the main character, Ian Troy, even better in this one. Ian is coming off of the drug used to keep his magic suppressed and is having a lot of flashbacks to his time before being in prison and since then, it fills in holes in the story well. I really liked Captain Krillos in this book and the banter that he has with Ian. There were many of the same characters from the first book with even more added in this one. The story line is soooo good and kept me up late into the night reading so I could see what happened next. There is action, magic, death, romance, and so much more. I can’t wait to read the next book!

Reviewed by @bibliophilenerd
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The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan – Review by Carla Clemmons

The Traveler: Book 3The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This third book in the series was even more interesting than the first two! Not all series maintain the momentum throughout the entire series. Not once did I lose interest reading this series. I love the friendship that Tristan and Harry have. Harry is such an in depth character and is very well written. I love that you get to know his back story even more and he discovers more of himself. I really enjoyed the suspense of not knowing where the author would take us especially when a new character is introduced. Things definitely take some unexpected turns but they really made the story! I look forward to reading more from this author!

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I’ll Love You Tomorrow (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 3) by Julie Navickas – Review by Jules Herbert

I'll Love You Tomorrow (The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy, Book #3)I’ll Love You Tomorrow by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely LOVED this conclusion to the Trading Heartbeats Trilogy! Mitch and Lauren are such wonderful characters and you will feel every step they take along this emotion filled journey right along with them. I swear this amazingly talented author just gets better and better with every book written. I truly couldn’t put this down because I had to know what was going to happen but then of course at the end I was sad to say goodbye! I highly recommend reading the entire trilogy to fully understand and enjoy all the characters and every element of the storyline.

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Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun by Hadley Thorne – Review by Tausha Treadway

Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and SunDawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun by Hadley Thorne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun by Hadley Thorne. This is a great urban fantasy romance in the Tapestry of Worlds series. This book is full of mystery, love, romance and intrigue. It follows Niamh, the Sidhe Princess while she is trying to figure out her power, her love life and her powers. As she learns that she is a female in a mostly male world its hard to find her place. Enter Connor the vampire full of hate and rage who is wanting to do his own thing. When they meet they connect because they both fill trapped. When Niamh is in terrible danger Connor vows to find her and help her remember who she is. All the while they have enemies that are trying to kill them and destroy all they stand for. This is a great installment and be prepared to flip pages late in the night. You won’t want to put it down. Can’t wait for the next book!

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The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

The Traveler: Book 3The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In Book Three of The Traveler Series, we continue to follow Harry, a highly intelligent ancient being who has transformed into many shapes over the millennia and traveled the universe. Each shapeshifting experience brings him more power and knowledge. During each transformation he goes into a period of stasis which for him is quick, but for the humans in his life take years. After his most recent shift he made his way back to Tristan after being gone for five years. His new configuration is a surprise to Tristan who takes a bit to adjust to Harry’s new form. It is a whole new experience for Harry as well as he learns how to navigate the emotions as well as the new dangers and obstacles he faces in his new form.

This book was an interesting sci-fi book with a time traveling twist. The characters were wonderful and the relationship between Tristan, Elena, and Harry was heartwarming and adorable. I loved how Harry is able to transform into different forms and travel through time. It was like reincarnation with a twist which fascinated me. I loved the twist the book took at the end as we watch Harry emerge once again. This book was entertaining, imaginative, creative, thought provoking, and engaging. It was packed full of action, danger, mystery, suspense, and time travel.

View all my reviews@tarab

The Crown of Stones: Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones Book 3) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Trisha Cargile

Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones, #3)Magic-Borne by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book number three in The Crown of Stones series, and it just took the cake! This is definitely not a stand alone book, so I highly recommend reading the series from book one thru book three. The continuity of character development amongst the three books is impeccable and definitely was a strong reason why this series can keep the readers enthralled. This is an author that understand the importance of growth, both with the writing and with the the characters. The adventures, action, and adoration for this story is amazing and I truly couldn’t keep from reading this book in one sitting. I highly recommend this full series!

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A Spot of Earl Slay (Tea Time Troubles Book 1) by Aubrey Elle – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

A Spot of Earl SlayA Spot of Earl Slay by Aubrey Elle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love the title, I’m a tea and murder mystery addict so a play on that already had me amused. I was right to choose this book as the first page had me invested in Naomi and Ella’s lives. I enjoyed the way that Naomi was written, her thoughts felt genuine and realistic and then her interactions with her daughter within the first page already amused me.

Naomi and Ella are great characters, funny and clever. They felt real to me, the kind of people I’d happily spend an afternoon with – and that’s how it felt reading this.
I enjoyed being able to find them relatable, not only in the way they were written, but also in the issues they faced and obstacles to overcome outside of the murder. They’re up there in my favourite crime sleuths list!

Naomi and Ella are great, however they aren’t the only fun characters in this story. The book is filled with great characters, another two fun characters are the neighbours Barbara and Ingrid the tea drinking gossips – I absolutely loved their energy and they reminded me of a couple of friends.

This was such a fun and easy read that I would happily re-read, it was enjoyable and I got completely lost in it. I think I might have found my new favourite comfort series.
With all the fun characters, investigating and (most importantly) tea, I can’t wait to get my hands on book 2!

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Obedience (Ties That Bind Book 1) by Liza Snow – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

ObedienceObedience by Liza Snow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cassandra has wanted to perform with Cirque de Lys ever since she was a child and first saw her idol Chandler performing his aerialist routine. From that moment she vowed that she would do whatever it took to be a silk aerialist and join the circus. When Cassandra’s dreams come true, and Chandler becomes her mentor she realizes that she cannot live without him. Chandler soon realizes that Cassandra means more to him than just being one of his students. On the surface it seems that fate has brought them together but what they do not realize is that something far more sinister is at play. Their lives have become intertwined, and they both have demons from their past that they are trying to escape from. Can they shake the shackles of their dark pasts to have a bright future?

This is an interesting story about romance between a student and her mentor. The borderline obsession that Cassandra had for her childhood idol Chandler turns from admiration to passion, then to romance, and ultimately to love. The age gap between Cassandra and Chandler was interesting and did not seem plausible until many years had passed. The book took an interesting plot twist when it was discovered that there were sinister elements at play, and they were brought together for a reason. Danger and suspense lurk under the surface as both Cassandra and Chandler try to escape demons from their past. It seems they both have secrets they have been hiding from the other that could put their lives in danger. The book ends on a cliff-hanger which sets you up for the second book in the series. I cannot wait to follow the further adventures of Cassandra and Chandler to see what deep dark secrets they are hiding.

View all my reviews@tarab

The Crown of Stones: Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones Book 2) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Trisha Cargile

Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones, #2)Magic-Scars by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If I thought book number one in this series blew my socks off, I had no idea this book could be better! Following Troy’s story is every fantasy readers dream. There was more twists and action that in book one and yet the characters are still just a mesmerizing. The continued character development really makes for a phenomenal series that continues to provide the building blocks as to why the characters are the way they are. This is another must read!

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Euphoric Wonderland by Ryan M. Becker – Review by Alison Risher

Euphoric Wonderland: An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the MindEuphoric Wonderland: An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the Mind by Ryan M. Becker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This volume of poetry is quite interesting. Having recently completed a unit of poetry with my high school students, I was happy to come across this gem. The rich vocabulary is evocative. The rhythm is very musical. The rhyme schemes are pleasing to the ear, whether read aloud or silently. The author refers often to pop culture, and the poems are steeped in musical history, both of which serve to engage the reader.

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Price by C. L. Schneider – Review by Trisha Cargile

Magic-Price (The Crown of Stones, #1)Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book number 1 out of The Crown of Stones series. The characters, the action, and the adventure is everything you could ask for in a fantasy novel. This book provides magic, flows, and enamoring personalities. The book starts with immediate action and doesn’t let-up throughout the story! If you love action, fantasy, and an enthralling story, this is the series for you!

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How to Make a Flying Carpet ( Alex, the Inventor) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Caralee Loonat

How to Make a Flying Carpet (Alex, the Inventor #2)How to Make a Flying Carpet by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have read a few books by this author and I really highly recommend them as they are great way for kids to read and learn. This author is brilliant at combining science and other subjects into a form that kids will not only enjoy but learn by as well. I really like how the author is able to engage the reader and bring the skills form. This is such a great educational tool and I just wish my children were young enough. I cannot stress enough how great this author’s style and prose is.

Reviewed by @caraleeloonat
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Non-Verbal by Molly Zenk – Review by Nakyshia Leger

NonVerbalNonVerbal by Molly Zenk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As a mom of more than one kiddo with autism (their choice to be addressed person first), I am thankful for this book. I have a son that is limited verbally like Emerson and also self-harms. Though they are not the same person, it was beautiful to see inside her mind. This book shows exactly what I have been trying to help others understand for quite some time; just because words are not there verbally doesn’t mean that person can’t or doesn’t want to communicate!

This is a journey of navigating through life, family, friendships, treatments and education. Though no two people are the same, this is enlightening to the struggles that can be faced to simply live life day to day. My heart went through so many emotions reading this story, I felt each and every situation with Emerson. I am so thankful for the sharing of her story.

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How to Make a Flying Carpet (Alex, the Inventor) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Nakyshia Leger

How to Make a Flying Carpet (Alex, the Inventor #2)How to Make a Flying Carpet by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an excellent read for young scientists that love trying new “experiments”! My son wanted to try every example given in the story of how magnets work. Luckily I had some on hand for him to play and explore with. We didn’t get to try ALL the examples, but he had a blast with hands-on learning to accompany this engaging and informational story! As always, the illustrations bring the story to life! There is even a short science lesson included at the end. So excited for another fabulous educational and fun read!

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Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun by Hadley Thorne – Review by Lisa Helmick

Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and SunDawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun by Hadley Thorne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a Ride! This is an amazing story! I really enjoy paranormal/fantasy stories as the author create different worlds, lasting friendships and the creatures are marvelous. In her the author did a stand up job giving me all three. Connor and Niamh are the stars and we basically follow them on their journey to possibly greater things. The road traveled is a tough one filled with potholes but watching them figure out how to overcome is what is wonderful.

There are a slew of different characters we get to meet. There is fae, human, vampires and demon as well as different courts. They all have varying skillsets which we find out as the story goes along. One of my favorite is the spirit that lives within the house called Silpha. It doesn’t speak and you can’t see it but the way it lets you know it approves is so cool! Very creative!

Overall it is a great story! Filled with triumphs and tribulations. I hope there is more as a few loose ends were left dangling.

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A River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Erin Vosters

A River of CrowsA River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Such a good book! All of the twists and turns will have you guessing through the whole book. Set in the 80’s for party of the book, you will also skip to the present (2008). Keep readng, because you won’t be able to stop.

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The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan – Review by Kerry Carr

The Traveler: Book 3The Traveler: Book 3 by Deborah Dugan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in The Traveler Series. Although this book could be read on its own I highly recommend you read the first 2 books so that you get a complete picture about who Harry is and his place in our world.
This is a sci-fi fantasy adventure revolving around Harry and his adventures. Harry is a Traveler, he is an ancient being who has lived thousands of lifetimes in one form or other. Everytime he wake he is in a different form and has new challenges to face.
In this story he is reunited Tristan. We see the bond between Harry and Tristan grow but as well as the relationships Harry had growing stronger there is also a danger out there and this danger puts Harry’s entire existence in jeopody.
This is a fast paced adventure that I couldn’t put down. I loved reading as Harry learns about new things such as music and phones his sense of wonder was amazing. The author does a great job of weaving time travel, adventure, and danger into the story. One thing I loved it that it isn’t a story that you read and know nothing like that could ever happen. Harry’s character is so believeable that I found myself wondering if such ancient souls could exist and survive in our world?

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REIGN: The Rise of the Lich (The Silver Blood Knight Book 2 by Carol McKibben – Review by Bobbi Wagner

REIGN: The Rise of the LichREIGN: The Rise of the Lich by Carol McKibben
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author which I look forward to seeing what is next for her. I enjoyed this paranormal story. The characters are fun, creative and added so much to the story. This is a fast paced story where there is action, magic, shifting and where evil is closing in on Heaven. Who will win this war? Will James and his friends come out the victors? I found this book to be fast paced and hard to put down. The characters pull you into their world with ease and turn pages fast. There is great growth of the plot throughout which makes the story easy to read. I really enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

REIGN: The Rise of the Lich (The Silver Blood Knight Book 2 by Carol McKibben – Review by Shelly Kittell

REIGN: The Rise of the LichREIGN: The Rise of the Lich by Carol McKibben
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Interesting story. It’s hard to come in on the second book. I found Rein, the adorable wolf, quite endearing. The Z brothers are interesting. The plot felt very interesting. I can’t wait to read the next book. There are Sirens and Muses. It’s a really quick and neat read. I would recommend reading the first one. I felt a little lost coming in at this one but I will go back and catch up. I love the paranormal fantasy and this is really good.

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Non-Verbal by Molly Zenk – Review by Bobbi Wagner

NonVerbalNonVerbal by Molly Zenk
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this young adult story. This is a newer author for me which I enjoy her writing skills as well as her attention to details that made the story realistic. I found this book to be well written and hard to put down. A story about a middle school girl who has autism. Her parents are in a fight to get services in an environment that has very few. This is a story that hits to the heart for me. My daughter has many of these traits. This is a story that will hit home with a lot of parents. It is an engaging story that I read in one sitting and one you don’t want to miss. It is emotional in parts which added to the story. I found this book easy to read and I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Little Red, the Detective (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale (Science Folktales)Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have enjoyed this author’s children’s books from the first one I picked up. They are creative, engaging and the children love reading them. This is a story about Red and how a wolf gives her a purple flower that she tries to figure out what it is. She is a great character that you will enjoy for sure. The pictures are interactive and keep your children asking questions. This is a really great children’s book that I highly recommend.

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Review by @bjwagner

REIGN: The Rise of the Lich (The Silver Blood Knight Book 2 by Carol McKibben – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

REIGN: The Rise of the Lich: The Silver Blood Knight (Book 2)REIGN: The Rise of the Lich: The Silver Blood Knight by Carol McKibben
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars
REIGN: The Rise of the Lich (The Silver Blood Knight Book 2 by Carol McKibben

Reign: The Rise of the Lich is the second book in The Silver Blood Knight Series and is a Paranormal Vampire story that will have you turning the pages till the end. This is a new author to me and I’m definitely going back and reading the first book in this series but im also going to check out her other series as well. This may be a short story but its packed with action, suspense, magic, knights, and corrupt politicians and so much more. The characters are developed, yet unique in a very interesting way. The plot is just as unique as the characters and keeps you turning the pages while on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what is going to happen next. Get ready as John and his heavenly friends fight the fight of their lives against the reanimated creatures that are unholy. Good verses Evil. Who will win this battle and become the Victor? I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. I look forward to reading many more books by this author.

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REIGN: The Rise of the Lich (The Silver Blood Knight Book 2 by Carol McKibben – Review by Jenni Bishop

REIGN: The Rise of the Lich: The Silver Blood Knight (Book 2)REIGN: The Rise of the Lich: The Silver Blood Knight by Carol McKibben
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

REIGN: The Rise of the Lich: The Silver Blood Knight is the second book in this refreshing series. Unfortunately, I didn’t pick up on this until I was nearly finished this book. Carol is a new author to me, and I really enjoyed her work. Unfortunately, it is a very short story.

The characters are very well developed and interesting, and the world-building is intriguing, and the plot is original and unique. I enjoy a good paranormal tale one where you get lost in the story and invested in the characters and REIGN: The Rise of the Lich is just that.

James and his band of Heavenly friends are in a fight for the souls of on earth against reanimated unholy creatures. It is a fight of their lives. Where a battle against good and evil meet once again. Who will be the victor?

This tale has lots of suspense and a great storyline has twists and turns I didn’t see coming and is action-packed. You will be glued to your seat as you turn page after page.

Magic, Knights, a hybrid vampire wolf, a teenaged wizard, Lycans, corrupt politicians, mythological predators are what you will find in this gripping tale.

Not only will I have to go back to the first book, but I will be going back and start at the beginning of her vampire stories.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Undying Light (The Stella Maris Series Book 1) by Aurora Wildey – Review by Rayne East

Undying LightUndying Light by Aurora Wildey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in The Stella Maris Series and I really enjoyed it. It was slow in parts but as this is the first book there was a bit of a foundation to lay. Once the pieces started to rally into place the momentum builds. We are still learning so much about the characters and Kaela is still unaware of so much. With mystery, danger and trust issues the story is left on a bit of a cliffhanger.
I am now very keen to check out book 2. Recommend.

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A Spot of Earl Slay (Tea Time Troubles Book #1) by Aubrey Elle – Review by Angela Hayes

A Spot of Earl SlayA Spot of Earl Slay by Aubrey Elle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


A Spot of Earl Slay is the first book in the Tea Time Troubles series by Aubrey Elle. This is the first book in a new cosy mystery series, and if this book is anything to go by, the series is set to be great. A Spot of Earl Slay is a fun cozy mystery with all the ingredients needed to keep me flipping the pages to find out what happens. It introduces mother and daughter sleuthing team who, even though they are new to the area, take up the case when murder comes to town.
Full of intrigue, tension, quirky characters, crime and investigation, plenty of suspects danger, drama, ex-husband troubles, and a tea or two- really made for a fun read.
Bring on Book #2- Death and Deja Brew!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Aubrey Elle!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones Book 3) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones, #3)Magic-Borne by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The final one in the trilogy, a trilogy of epic proportions! I could not put it down. Detailed and delighting, comedic and witty, fresh and refreshing. This novel spoke volumes and brought so many emotions out in this reader. Once again this author has done it! Made me want to keep reading, made me slightly depressed that this series ended and yet very happy for our characters. This trilogy is beyond brilliant, beyond the norm and beyond a work of art!

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Undying Light (The Stella Maris Series Book 1) by Aurora Wildey – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Undying Light: The Stella Maris Series Book 1Undying Light: The Stella Maris Series Book 1 by Aurora Wildey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story is told from multiple POVs. While that may not seem important to some it is for many. While I am not a multiple POV fan on the normal everyday read this story was wonderfully written. It had all the things we expect from fantasy based stories. Great storyline, twists and turns and a line that shouldn’t be crossed but ultimately is. All in all I spent a very enjoyable afternoon with this book.

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Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8 ) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8)Breach of Trust by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Many reviews said this could be read as a stand alone. I found I got so lost in some areas of the story that I wound up frustrated and not enjoying the story. I found the author to be very strong in creating detailed characters and giving us amazing storyline, so I decided to head on back and read the first 7 books. After that I found I really enjoyed this novel. I would definitely recommend reading this series as a whole and taking yourself on a laugh out loud adventure!

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